【吉他課堂】練琴:AW - Positive Musical Growth


PRACTICE and TRAINING- Positive Musical GrowthThis Video: August 16, 2013 | Search Videos by Title/Date.THIS VIDEOS LESSON PLAN - *DOWNLOAD LINK:*Lesson Download will be made available on: August 18, 2013教材:http://www.andrewwasson.com/recent_posts/2013/08_august/august_2013.php#aug16Andrew Wasson of Creative Guitar Studio answers a viewers question...Q: I'm wondering if you can explain how I can improve how some days I play really good and other days I play awful. I've played for 7 years, and I've noticed that things have gotten better. But, I wonder if my practice time could be improved to help me balance things out? Also, any sage advice on how musicians can think more balanced would be really cool.Reggie -- Dallas, TX. USAA: Most players find that as the years go by their trend with having more and more "Better" days of playing, recording and jamming will constantly improve. However, there are things that you can do regarding your; daily, weekly and monthly practice routine, as well as, your lifestyle... which will help to make a difference in having really good days compared to having those unfortunate bad guitar days. Some musicians will chalk up bad days to bio-rhythms. Some will blame bad days on a poor nights sleep. But, regardless whatever you might decide to point the blame toward, be sure that you take into account the many things that always contribute to those superior moments that allow you to have your best connection to your musical abilities. So, let's begin with an overview of what encompasses overall musical consistency. ---DONATIONS: http://www.andrewwasson.com/donations.phpMORE LESSONS: http://www.creativeguitarstudio.com/ANDREW WASSON - Personal Website:http://www.andrewwasson.com(weekly postings - w/FREE Guitar Handouts)Zazzle page:http://www.zazzle.com/creativeguitarstudioProducts Website:http://www.creativeguitarstudio.com/SOUND CLOUD: Listen to some of my songs.https://soundcloud.com/creativeguitarstudio

类型: 教学

标签: Lessons Guitar aw practice 練琴 吉他課堂

专辑: 【爵士课堂】吉他.2.2:Andrew Wasson II - 風格.練耳.練琴.作曲.即興.指彈.維修

