【爵士課堂】吉他:Craig Tarwater - Jazz Guitar level 1


Craig Tarwater's How to play great Jazz Guitar series Jazz Guitar level 1A video to gain a sound approach to understanding what is necessary to play great Jazz Guitar. Helps you to visualize the fret board, and illustrates clearly that many Jazz lines are really only simple melodies. It also teaches the good way to use chords so the other players won't think you're a "Noob", very important as Musicianship is a "Confidence Game", in more ways than one!To buy my Instructional DVD's: www.playguitarvideos.com---What I'm doing here is giving knowledge as it has benefitted me, and that I cannot take with me when I go. All of my "Mandatory Nuts & Bolts of Fretboard Knowledge" Videos, most of which are 20 years old, are uploaded here in their entirety to share freely with anyone desiring to really learn how to use a Guitar making Music. If a person does not want to be tethered to a PC or a Smartphone and prefers to sit on the Couch with their Axe, then the DVDs can be purchased by clicking on the link in the description for each Video. Please note that these are transfers of Videotape, hence the absence of menus, chapters, etc. Do enjoy, these have helped many folks! Leslie "Craig" Tarwater.

类型: 教学

标签: 吉他 爵士课堂 爵士課堂 Lessons Guitar Tarwater jazz

专辑: 【爵士课堂】吉他.1 - 母輯,名師教學,大師課,小系列,Misc

