来自英国的Ukulele小清新女神-Sophie Madeleine,目前发行了两张专辑,还有一张2013年发行,正在筹备中。An adorable little girl from Brighton England. There comes a time in a true originals career where they become more than the sum of their influences. Sophie Madeleine’s star is in such an ascendant, and we are witnessing the results of some maverick fusion. Steeped in an inherited classicism (she had a music-lover for a father,) she absorbed the greats of the last century - from Cole Porter to Gershwin, Bacharach, Beatles and beyond. Shades of Feist and Aimee Mann haunt her delivery, whilst she shines a light on the love song in a way that is at once candid, secretive and strange. Her voice has an authority beyond her experience, and her sound wraps up a hundred years of music and sends it into orbit for a new century to witness. Remember this name Sophie Madeleine is going to be around for a long time. Sophie is one of the first people in the world who can claim to be a “Master of Song” after graduating from the MA Songwriting Course at Bath Spa University.
Sophie Madeleine - Goody Goody (ukulele cover)
Sophie Madeleine - Goody Goody (ukulele cover)
Love in Monochrome (ukulele新专辑demo) - Sophie Madeleine
Love in Monochrome (ukulele新专辑demo) - Sophie Madeleine
Oil Gold - Sophie Madeleine ukulele( Official Video )
Oil Gold - Sophie Madeleine ukulele( Official Video )
Sophie Madeleine - The Rhythm You Started (ukulele)
Sophie Madeleine - The Rhythm You Started (ukulele)
Sophie Madeleine - The Rhythm You Started (ukulele)
Sophie Madeleine - The Rhythm You Started (ukulele)
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