忧郁 Melancolia — Per-Olov Kindgren


我的作品包括流行歌曲,电影主题曲和自己写的歌曲。英文:Hi! I am back in Sweden from 3 weeks in Miami. Missed you all! I hope you had a great Christmas and a good start on this decade. I wish you all the best for 2010 with lots of music, love and friendship. I have a lot of catching up... please forgive me if I miss some of your videos.Let's start 2010 with this piece I composed just before leaving for the USA. It's not that I was sad or anything (well, a little maybe) but I thought the title was perfect for this music. It is rather easy to play because it is kind of slow.TAB's and score as usual at my web site; http://www.per-olovkindgren.com/ Stay Tuned! Per-Olov______________Melancolia (Depressed)

类型: 其他

标签: 老外 古典音乐 流行音乐 音乐会 中国 国外 古典吉他 Guitar 郑成河 吉他独奏版

