M.Carcassi-Larghetto in D-major —Per-Olov Kindgren


我的作品包括流行歌曲,电影主题曲和自己写的歌曲。英文:A little piece in D-major by Matteo Carcassi. Very, VERY easy to play! I did this for fun while recording the Bach Toccata and Giuliani.Hope you like it. And yes, I found out the size of the new YouTube screen! :-) And I think it's in STEREO! Please watch in HD!! (High-Definition)All the best!Per-Olov______________M. Carcassi - Larghetto in D-major

类型: 其他

标签: 老外 古典音乐 流行音乐 音乐会 中国 国外 古典吉他 Guitar 郑成河 吉他独奏版

