Modal Jazz No.2, 除貝斯 - RM伴奏音軌


Full Jazz Jam-Bass Removed-Backing Track Modal Jazz No.2This Free for "not for profit" use-Bass Removed-backing track of my Modal Jazz No.2 B.T. has drums, comp guitar and my practice improv guitar to give you Bass Players something more to play to. Some of my improv is pretty good and a lot of it is experimenting, struggling and all over the place.. so you probably want to follow the drums for timing for most of it! Have fun!

类型: 教学

标签: Bass 爵士 rm Backingtrack 伴奏音軌 除貝斯

专辑: 【爵士練習】伴奏音軌.3 - Randy Martin, Quist

