【爵士課堂】吉他樂理:AW - Voicing 7th Chords and Beyond


GUITAR THEORY Voicing 7th Chords and Beyond教材下載:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1zeAZIAndrew Wasson of Creative Guitar Studio answers a viewers question...Q: I'm having a difficult time with the seventh chords. I know several of the fingerings, but I can't place them quickly when I get new charts. I've also noticed that certain notes and strings are omitted on these & larger chords. Plus, notes are often re-arranged as well. Can you give me a few ideas on how I can better apply these chords onto the guitar neck?Vic -- Akron, Ohio. USAA: Larger chords such as; 7th's, Extended chords, and Altered chords may all differ in what notes they contain theoretically, as opposed, to what they'll contain once they are applied as a shape onto our guitar neck. In other words, even though a chord such as say a; Dom. 13th, truly contains 7 notes, when we place it on our guitar neck, it will generally only have 4. This occurs due to the limitations of our neck size and the quantity of guitar strings we have available. Watch the video to learn more.

类型: 教学

标签: 爵士课堂 吉他乐理 爵士課堂 吉他樂理 jazz CLASSES Guitar aw chords 和弦

专辑: 【爵士课堂】吉他.2.1:Andrew Wasson I - 讀譜.技巧.節奏.樂理.吉他樂理

