
在20世纪90年代早期,音乐有了新的发展趋势,打击乐团体成为新时尚并开始出现在各大新闻头条。与此同时,一种主要使用康佳鼓(当时被成为迈阿密音乐机)弹奏的新型拉丁音乐“Afro-Cuban”也在冲击着流行音乐排行榜。由于越来越多的人开始把手击鼓作为一种休闲爱好,各大媒体对手击鼓活动的关注度也越来约越高。除了纯粹的享受外,锻炼和健康也成为了人们选择打鼓的原因。这段时间内拉丁乐非常受欢迎,成为了主流。 为了让音乐爱好者们在打击乐器上有更多品牌可以选择,KMC Music 决定引入Toca作为打击乐器及配件的一种选择。Toca的目标是设计并开发出具有与普通乐器不同外观,同时还能敲打出“Afro-Coban”声音的乐器。这使得Toca从总多品牌中脱颖而出。专业玩家们及音乐爱好者们在挑选合适的乐器时总是自然而然地会想到Toca。 为了增加耐用性,Toca所有的木质鼓都使用两层的鼓框,而且有许多充满活力的颜色可选。Toca为乐手们提供由各种玩家设计和测试过的打击乐器及配件。今天,Toca很自豪地成为手鼓及打击乐器的领航者,致力娱为玩家在风格、设计和音色等方面提供一个独特的选择。
Toca 大师级实木非洲鼓
Toca 大师级实木非洲鼓
Van Romaine _ Using Drum-Set Add-Ons (Part 1)
Van Romaine _ Using Drum-Set Add-Ons (Part 1)
Van Romaine - Drum-Set vs Percussion Kit (1)
Van Romaine - Drum-Set vs Percussion Kit (1)
Eguie Castrillo Plays Toca
Eguie Castrillo Plays Toca
Danny Diaz and Jafet Murguia - Los Potritos
Danny Diaz and Jafet Murguia - Los Potritos
2013 Namm Show Toca 展位 (2)
2013 Namm Show Toca 展位 (2)
2013 Namm Show Toca 展位(1)
2013 Namm Show Toca 展位(1)
Eric Velez and Juan Gerena Jam in the Toca Studio
Eric Velez and Juan Gerena Jam in the Toca Studio
Eric Piza on Bongo Techniques
Eric Piza on Bongo Techniques
Nina Rodriquez Cajon Lesson
Nina Rodriquez Cajon Lesson
In the Studio with Jamal Mohamed
In the Studio with Jamal Mohamed
The Sunu Rhythm on a Hybrid Kit
The Sunu Rhythm on a Hybrid Kit
CBS电视台This Morning节目“Fender Stratocaster60周年”
CBS电视台This Morning节目“Fender Stratocaster60周年”
How-to Play Timbales in the Tradition of Tito Puente
How-to Play Timbales in the Tradition of Tito Puente
Sheila E., Danny Diaz, and Jafet Murguia at NAMM 2008
Sheila E., Danny Diaz, and Jafet Murguia at NAMM 2008
Rashid Williams and the Toca Percussion Quick Change Mount
Rashid Williams and the Toca Percussion Quick Change Mount
Eddie Rivera playing Toca Custom Deluxe Timbales
Eddie Rivera playing Toca Custom Deluxe Timbales
Timbale Lesson with Mario Grillo
Timbale Lesson with Mario Grillo
Hannah Ford Demos the Toca 3_2 Clave Block
Hannah Ford Demos the Toca 3_2 Clave Block
Hannah Ford Demos the Toca 3_2 Clave Block
Hannah Ford Demos the Toca 3_2 Clave Block
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