Gibson Custom Historic '57 Les Paul Goldtop
The iconic '57 Goldtop has been the tool of choice for countless guitar heroes. Its elegant gold finish, classic solid mahogany/maple construction and versatile humbucking pickups make one wonder "what else can I possibly need in a guitar?" This is probably why it gained the reputation as the "working man's Les Paul" – less flashy than its figured-top sunburst counterparts from 1958-1960, but almost identical under the hood. This 2018 Historic Series recreation exemplifies Gibson Custom Shop's tireless quest for exacting accuracy to the original year of production, from the woods to the construction to the parts and precise contours throughout. Two new updates for 2018 include the inclusion of all True Historic-spec parts and, for the first time, narrow/tall frets which bring the tone and playability closer to the character of the originals. Available in Gloss or VOS (vintage patina, shown) finishes. Left-handed models available as well.

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