Julio Iglesias
吉他谱: 2 粉丝: 1
    1943年9月23日下午2点钟,在西班牙马德里的一所古老医院里,Julio lglesias出生了。他是家中的长子。外祖母是西班牙皇族的后裔。
    少年时,Julio lglesias的理想是当一名足球明星,并曾是马德里足球队的出色的守门员。不幸的是,1963年9月23日凌晨2点,Julio lglesias与几个好友驱车从外地赶回马德里时,一场可怕的车祸发生了。在医院的病床上,Julio lglesias整整瘫痪了一年半的时间,每当夜晚来临的时候,他就静静地坐在那里聆听收音机里播放的歌曲,或者写下一些浪漫、感伤的诗句。于是年轻的男护士伊拉迪奥.马格达拉奥送给Julio lglesias一把吉它。
    最初,唱歌只是Julio lglesias分散注意力的一剂良方,这样他就可以忘掉做运动员的快乐生活。逐渐地,Julio lglesias花在吉它上的时间越来越多。最后,他学会了简单的和弦,并开始慢慢地为自己写的诗配乐。
    1964年,Julio lglesias恢复健康之后,由马德里大学转入摩尔西亚大学继续他的学业。为提高自己的英文水平,Julio lglesias曾留学英国,先后就读于朗姆斯格特大学、剑桥的贝尔语言学院。这期间,每到周末,他就到当时已小有名气的空港酒巴唱歌。
    1968年7月17日,Julio lglesias以一曲《La vida sigue igual》赢得本尼姆歌唱节大奖。之后,他与哥伦比亚唱片公司签了约。
    1969年2月,Julio lglesias参加了在罗马尼亚举行的布拉格金舞台节。同年,他在伦敦的DECCA录音棚录制了第一张专辑,且在西班牙举办了第一次巡回演出。
     1971年1月20日,Julio lglesias与伊莎贝尔.普瑞斯勒.阿瑞斯蒂亚在西班牙的多里多结为夫妻。他们共养育了三个孩子。1978年6月,Julio lglesias与伊莎贝尔分居,一年以后,他们正式离婚。
    在录制了第一张唱片之后,1978年,Julio lglesias与CBS唱片公司签约在意大利录制了首张法语专辑。实际上,Julio lglesias可以用包括西班牙语、德语、日语、英语、意大利语和葡萄语在内的多种语言演唱。他用这六种语言演唱的唱片已销售了10亿张之多,并因此获得了《吉尼斯世界纪录》的“;钻石唱片奖”;。
    1992年,Julio lglesias被佛罗里达州州长命名为“;西班牙先生”;。他是中国历史上第一个获金唱片奖的外国人。Julio lglesias是世界上最受欢迎的音乐家之一,他总计获得了世界范围内1500个大大小小的奖项。
    1997年9月7日,Julio lglesias的第四个儿子在迈亚密海滨的一所医院出生。这是Julio lglesias与年轻漂亮的丹麦姑娘米兰德的爱情结晶,虽然米兰德比Julio lglesias小了整整二十岁。
    1997年9月8日,对Julio lglesias来说是个终生难忘的日子。这一天,拉丁流行音乐制作人、歌曲作家矣米里奥.伊斯特方把ASCAP POED PIPPER奖亲自授予Julio lglesias。它是当今娱乐界最负盛名的一个奖项,Julio lglesias则是第一个赢得此项殊荣的拉丁艺术家。迈亚密市市长把当天命名为“;Julio lglesias日”;
   1999年4月,米兰德又为Julio lglesias生下了第二个儿子罗杰戈。
by Stephen Thomas Erlewine
Julio Iglesias was the most popular Latin singer of the 70s and 80s, selling over 100 million albums around the world. Iglesias was a smooth, romantic crooner and his appeal translated to many different countries in many different languages.

Initially, Iglesias planned to be a lawyer. As he studied, he was a goalkeeper for the Real Madrid football team. His career as an athlete was ended after an automobile accident in the mid-60s. While he was recovering, Iglesias started playing guitar and writing songs. Before he began a musical career, he finished his law studies at Cambridge University. In 1968, he was a contestant at the 1968 Spanish Song Festival at Benidorm, singing his original song La Vida Sigue Igual. Iglesias won the first prize at the contest, which led to a record contract with Discos Columbia, an independent record label.

During the 70s, he toured Europe and Latin America, gaining a large fan base with hits like 1975s Manuela. By the end of the decade, he was extremely popular — so popular, CBS International sought out a contract with him. He signed with the label in 1978. Iglesias began to record not only in Spanish, but in Italian and French as well. At the turn of the decade, Julio Iglesias began to pursue the American and British markets by concentrating on his English recordings. His efforts began to pay off in 1981, when his cover of Begin the Beguine became a number one hit. It was quickly followed by the compilation record Julio, which became a big success in England and America. However, his major crossover success was 1984s 1100 Bel Air Place, a collection of duets. Featuring the Top Ten hit duet with Willie Nelson To All the Girls Ive Loved Before, the album sold over three million copies in America and peaked at number five on the pop charts; it also spawned All of You, a hit duet with Diana Ross. Iglesias popularity continued to grow throughout the 80s, although he only had one more pop crossover hit, 1988s My Love, a duet with Stevie Wonder.

By the 1990s, he had stopped courting the English pop market and concentrated on recording mainly in Spanish, as well as a handful of other languages. His popularity did not diminish at all in his third decade of recordings — he was still capable of selling millions of records and selling out concerts around the world.
