
共有 71 个艺人
Oomph! Oomph!

by Margaret Reges
Hailed as pioneers of the German "tanz metal" (dance metal) scene and heavily influencing late-'90s acts like Rammstein, Oomph! were arguably one of the mos ...

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Oh, Sleeper Oh, Sleeper

来自United States的Texas 的 Fort Worth, 音乐以Metalcore 为主,应该说他们有一点点Emo.grungy 吉他和 清晰沙哑尖唱腔,Oh Sleeper 融合了heavy 和 dark guitars 和直面现实的歌词. 音乐是一种武器


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Obús Obús

by Drago Bonacich
Spanish heavy metal foursome Obus was formed in Madrid in 1980 by guitarist Francisco Laguna and bassist Juan Luis Serrano ...

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Orange 9mm Orange 9mm

by John Bush
Vocalist Chaka Malik and guitarist Chris Traynor met in the New York hardcore band Burn, and began playing together as early as 1992. With an early version of Orange 9mm, the duo ...

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Ohm: Ohm:

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Olivia Newton-John Olivia Newton-John(奥莉薇亚-纽顿-约翰)

Olivia Newton-John是70年代叱咤欧美歌坛的气质玉女,从乡村流行歌手成功转型,成为主流轻摇滚歌手。1974年 ...

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One-T One-T

 One-T是一个年仅13岁的DJ,来自法国的普罗旺斯,小小年纪就可以把House音乐玩得出神入化,但是因为她的年纪,为了不和法国的青少年保护法抵触,她一直隐姓埋名,在朋友的帮助下独自组织了很多次精彩的派对,但 ...

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oonagh oonagh

Oonagh,德国凯尔特女王。庞然大气的音乐 ,以她的舞台名称Oonagh而闻名,是德国半保加利亚歌手和词曲作者。她的标志性音乐风格的灵感来自于JRR托尔金宇宙的神秘传说以及世界各地的民族音乐。 ...

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Ottoman Empire Ottoman Empire(Luna Mortis)

The short-lived Atlanta septet the Ottoman Empire were a sort of Georgia indie supergroup starring guitarist Bob Elsey (formerly of local legends Swimming ...

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Oh No! Oh My! Oh No! Oh My!

by Stewart Mason
Austin, TX, twee pop trio Oh No! Oh My! are not quite as precious as their faux-na?ve name suggests, but they do come close, favoring a blend of acoustic guitars and vintage ...

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