Friend Or Foe
吉他谱: 0 粉丝: 1











Xiao Yu was walking down the street one day when an eerie whine caught his attention. He looked up to see a strange object hovering over the top of the Pearl Tower. Although he expected craziness when he left his small village in Hubei for the big city, this was too much to believe.

Suddenly, the disc came down to earth. From its belly emerged several strange looking creatures. Although they were terrifying, somehow Xiao Yu didn’t find them threatening. A strange voice, only audible in his head, reassured him of the interlopers’ benevolence.
Unfortunately, other humans thought differently and rapidly organized an attack. The creatures retreated rapidly to their vessel and fled the earth, leaving behind the two most gullible and brave to cover their asses.

These two, Rabshaka and Mahanadan, were renowned for the strength and fortitude of their enormous claws. So it was that they confronted the humans alone, without fear.
As the smoke from the first terrible clash blew away, Xiao Yu let out a piercing cry:


Everyone turned to see the source of this odd objection. He continued, “We know not if they are Friend or Foe!”

Hushed murmurs began to ripple through the mob, which gradually elevated into clattering arguments…the humans began to reconsider the two extraterrestrials’ intentions.

After heated debate, seeds of peace were finally sown between these earthly beings and the two remaining aliens.

Rabshaka and Mahanadan, now left to their own devices, remain committed to their compatriots’ mission. They are currently traveling the earth, observing human behavior and categorizing it into rhythmic reports.

They have teamed up with Xiao Yu and send these operatic observations into space, as a form of scientific recording, and a plea for their mothership to come back.

Friend Or Foe的吉他谱
