Yamandú Costa
吉他谱: 1 粉丝: 1

Yamandú Costa生于1980年的巴西年轻一代的吉他演奏家和作曲家,他从7岁跟随父亲学琴,15岁开始游走南美洲大陆学习拉美各地的民族音乐,尤其擅长弹奏巴西七弦尼龙吉他(确是七根弦,侬可以在照片上数一数...)。Yamandú Costa这个巴西仔的吉他可谓变化多端,其编曲也极富想象力。唱片标题曲Lida,一个标准的小美女名字。这个巴西小胖仔恐怕也是个多情种子,一到夜深人静就跑去别人楼下撩拨姑娘的心弦,真可谓小琴(情)圣一个。从热烈欢快的桑巴到曼妙舒缓的波萨洛瓦,甚至吉卜赛的“癫狂”节奏他都可以玩的游刃有余,热情奔放又不失细腻的演奏之手充满灵感。当匡威鞋遇到七弦琴,当小丽达遇见科斯塔,爱情多美妙,咱来弹奏她!

Yamandú Costa (Passo Fundo, January 24, 1980) is a Brazilian guitarist and composer. His main instrument is the violão de 7 cordas, the Brazilian seven-stringed nylon guitar.

Yamandú began to study the guitar at seven years of age with his father, Algacir Costa, leader of the group Os Fronteiriços (The Frontiersmen) and mastered the instrument after studying under Lúcio Yanel, an Argentine virtuoso rooted in Brazil. At fifteen he studied the folk music of Southern Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay.

After hearing Radamés Gnattali, he began to study the music of other Brazilians, such as Baden Powell de Aquino, Tom Jobim and Raphael Rabello.

At seventeen he played in São Paulo for the first time at the Cultural Circuit Bank of Brazil which was produced by the Study Tone Brazil. Yamandú came to be recognized as the musician to revive Brazilian guitar music.

Yamandú touches diverse styles as chorinho, bossa nova, milonga, tango, samba and chamamé, making him difficult to categorize into a single genre.

Yamandú appeared in Mika Kaurismäki's 2005 documentary film Brasileirinho.

Yamandú Costa的吉他谱

stefan煜晟 1659 1 1
GTP谱 古典吉他