吉他谱: 0 粉丝: 1

X-Tribe 未知部落 展示的拍速高达 182 BPM 的高能量和未加工的节奏,这个团队的主要鼓手将通过这些敲打节拍逐渐地使你感到惊奇。特色乐器:迪吉里杜管、长笛、声音采样、贝司、小手鼓、振动器,这些拉美康茄舞曲、印度朵儿大鼓、乃至来自几内亚的巴塔、卡塔尔的多哈,和神秘古老的玛雅等等多种鼓乐一起加入我们的生活圈子并且庆祝舞蹈永恒,在圈子之内舞蹈通过无限的组合而显示。在这个未命名的部落之内,鼓就是精神的象征。

Join in the high energy and raw rhythms of the X-Tribe. Going as high as 182 BPM, this group of master drummers will literally blow your mind with beats and groove.
Featured Instruments: Didgeridoos, flute, voice, bas, tambourine, shakers & rattles, congas, surdos, dholaks, dohallas, djembes, dumbeks, batas Together we join in the circle of life and celebrate the dance eternal. Within the circle this dance plays out through infinite combinations. We are one within this tribe which has no name; we are one with the spirit of the drum.

