Jeden Osiem L
吉他谱: 1 粉丝: 1
JEDEN OSIEM L(18 乐队,国内也叫波兰光头党)成立于1998年,是波兰的一个着名的说唱乐队。刚开始的时候,成员包括两个人: Siwy和Luke。为了表达自己对周围现实的意见和对说唱音乐魅力的痴迷,他们创作了他们的处女作品,并且记录在一个老式的录音机上面。但是并没有正式出版发行。2001年,乐队迎来了两位新成员:Paczkoś和 Gmura。2003年,Gmura对JEDEN OSIEM L乐队的发展起到了非常重要的作用,他们发行了第一张正式专辑--《WIDEOTEKA》(由UMC唱片公司发行),在发行了第一张正式专辑后,乐队成员决定成立一个专业的录音工作室并取名为“;Live”;。2005年发布了第二张专辑《Słuchowisko》(由UNIVERSALMusic公司发行),但销量远没有第一张专辑好。2007年3月,JEDEN OSIEM L发布了第三张专辑《Nowy Folder》。

Jeden Osiem L (The One Eight L) came into being in 1998. At present, two people are in the band: Lukasz ( lyrics, vocal) and Toffson (producer). In 2003, the band released their first record entitled „Wideoteka”; („Video Collection”;). In this album, there are such hits as:„ Jak Zapomniec”;(„How to Forget”;), „Czasem Tak Bywa”; („It’s just the way it is”;), or „Powodenia”; (“;Good Luck”;). The album has been sold in the edition of 70 thousand copies and has gained the status of the Platinum Record in short time. In 2005 the band received publishing offer and signed the contract with the biggest phonographic company - Universal Music Polska. The same year; in April, the band’s second record was released, entitled „Sluchowisko”; (“;Radio Play”;). There were such hits as: „Pytam Kiedy”; („I’m asking when”;), which was nominated to the premieres’ competition on the National Festival of Polish Songs in Opole, or „Smak Zwyciestwa”; (“;The Taste of Victory), which was presented on the Superjedynka (SuperOne) competition in the category of the best hip hop band in 2006.

In 2007 there was another, third album released on the market, entitled „Nowy folder”; (“;The New Folder”;). The album was promoted with a single entitled „Kilka Chwil”; („Few Moments”;) with the special guest’s participation of Joanna Bicz. This song dominated every chart list quickly, and it had been the most often played Polish song on the radio for two months. Furthermore, this album has shown a new face of the band – less hip hop. The newest album is a specific mixture of styles: hip hop, pop, pop-rock, funk, and reggae. Undoubtedly, when taking into account previous band’s accomplishments, it is done with greater precision in an instrumental aspect. On the „Nowy folder”; album there are songs that constitute well-considered material which is dedicated to more demanding fans of pop music.

Jeden Osiem L的吉他谱

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