吉他谱: 2 粉丝: 2
乐队成员 Tetsuya Fukagawa : Vocal
Nobukata Kawai : Guitar
Masahiro Tobita : Guitar
Manabu Nakagawa : Bass
Dairoku Seki : Drums

A Japanese post-rock noise outfit in the same vein as genre legends the Boredoms, Envy released their first album, Breathing and Dying In This Place in 1996. Made up of members Tetsuya Fukagawa (vocals/programming), Nobukata Kawai (guitar), Manabu Nakagawa (bass), Dairoku Seki (drums), and Masahiro Tobita (guitar), Envy released 8 albums over the course of ten years, and were signed to two labels, Rock Action in Europe and Temporary Residence in America. In 2007, the band released the mini-album Abyssal and the DVD Transfovista.


A Hint And The Incapacity
红疯 1129 0 6
GTP谱 古典吉他 民谣吉他 贝司 鼓
Am I Wrong
红疯 2294 0 1
GTP谱 民谣吉他