Broken Machine专辑介绍

◎ 来自英国艾塞克斯郡的独立摇滚乐团2017年最新专辑
◎ 托付独立摇滚界当红制作人Mike Crossey(The 1975、Foals、Arctic Monkeys)全权掌舵
◎ 深入恋爱世界的迷人与碎心情感,透过〈Sorry〉、〈Amsterdam〉等作品,将你我或许曾遭遇的情节毫无掩饰摊在面前
◎ 豪华版本追加包括〈Sorry〉不插电、〈Particles〉钢琴版等四首曲目

体会难以言喻的神魂颠倒之情,来自英国艾塞克斯郡(Essex)的独立摇滚乐团Nothing But Thieves,由从小玩在一起的死党Conor Mason(主唱)、Joe Langridge-Brown和Dom Craik双吉他手,加入和Dom有表亲关系的Philip Blake(贝斯手)、James Price(鼓手)…等五人,于2012年正式成军。花了6周时间到美国旅行演出,举办小型Live秀拓展人气,传媒评为精彩混搭Foals、The Neighbourhood、Civil Twilight的综合体。3年时间累积许多作品,在2015年的同名首碟《Nothing But Thieves》完美展现,登记英国金榜第7名,其中〈Itch〉,分别入选Radio 1的「Hottest Record」和「Track Of The Day」名单!

第二张作品《Broken Machine》,托付英国独立摇滚界当红制作人Mike Crossey(The 1975、Foals、Arctic Monkeys)全权掌舵,深入恋爱世界的迷人与碎心情感,打从询问爱为何物的〈Sorry〉,慢慢将苦痛抽离,学会如何放手,也学会如何对所做错事道歉,搭入Conor丰沛情感诠释,将你我或许曾遭遇的情节毫无掩饰摊在面前,彼此都心知肚明,纠结着心灵紊乱思绪;反映对爱情直觉的〈Amsterdam〉,鼓噪吉他载承起伏的旋律,坠入巨大感染音场里头,声嘶力竭吶喊,尽是单刀直入的奔腾情感;再到吉他和鼓声直扑而来的〈I'm Not Made By Design〉,引爆难以驯服的悍劲,杀伤力十足!

Broken Machine, is the highly anticipated sophomore album from British rock band Nothing But Thieves.

The eleven track album features the soaring rock anthem ‘Amsterdam’. ‘Broken Machine’ was produced by Mike Crossey in LA.

"This album is snapshot of where and who you are as a band over a small period of time. Writing in 2015/16... well, we weren't devoid of things to write about. The record hinges on the systems of life we perceive to be automatic and flawless when in reality, they're anything but.

The aim of Broken machine was to create a rock album that feels fresh and exciting. It was about experimenting with sounds and song structures and expanding what we could do musically. After a lengthy writing process and a short time recording, we can't wait to get our next project out there."