• 艺人:Chromeo   欧美乐队
  • 语种:英语
  • 唱片公司:Vice
  • 发行时间:2007-05-08
  • 类别:录音室专辑

Fancy Footwork专辑介绍

在上一张《She's In Control》受到好评后,Chromeo的名声大振整个欧美。你可能对Chromeo比较陌生,但相信大家都玩过《极品飞车11》。其中的原声音乐就收录了本专辑《Fancy Footwork》之同名主打歌-Fancy Footwork。
《Fancy Footwork》中Chromeo这两个顽皮的大男孩对自己的音乐及音效上取得了很大提高,收放自如。纵览整张专辑,相信你很难找出哪一首不好听。

《Fancy Footwork》并不是一张安静的专辑,但是Chromeo对流行技巧的把握将整张专辑创造的愉快,简单,明了。最重要的是-好听!

by Heather PharesBack with a slicker set of moves and immaculately groomed hooks, on Fancy Footwork Chromeo are in even more control of their sound than they were on She's in Control. The duo's debut was undeniably fun, but it was such a slave to the rhythm that, at times, it was numbing; on this album, Chromeo take their electro textures and funky beats in a very pop direction, topping them with memorable melodies and witty lyrics. From the tongue-in-cheek drama of "Intro" -- which conjures visions of Chromeo ascending the stage from a cloud of dry ice -- Fancy Footwork builds on everything that made previous singles like "Needy Girl" good dirty fun. "Tenderoni" is a great example of the album's tighter, glossier sound and swivel-hipped rhythms, while "Fancy Footwork" itself boasts growling, squealing, and purring Moogs and a percussion breakdown made for busting a move. And, by trimming the fat off their tracks, Chromeo have made more room for knowing, entendre-laden fun. "Momma's Boy," with its instantly lovable electric piano riff and lyrics about finding your sweetie eerily similar to your folks, is a funny, catchy, twisted update on the Hall & Oates-style pop that the band loves so much. Skit-like humor seeps into "Call Me Up," which pauses while a girl looks around for Chromeo's phone number, and "My Girl is Calling Me (A Liar)," which ends with a brief conversation between Dave One and a talkboxing Pee Thug. Elsewhere, Dave and Pee show their sensitive side: "Bonafied Lovin" shows them taking more time to court a conquest, and the "Needy Girl" sequel "Opening Up" finds them trying monogamy -- and liking it. Even though Fancy Footwork's grooves aren't quite as deep as those on She's in Control, Chromeo's transformation into polished Lotharios with pop skills to match more than makes up for it.