• 艺人:Björk   欧美女艺人
  • 语种:英语
  • 唱片公司:One Little Indian
  • 发行时间:2007-05-01
  • 类别:录音室专辑


擅长创作与演奏多样乐器的Bjork,11岁即发行首张同名专辑在家乡一举成名;14岁开始组团玩庞克和爵士乐;20岁担任乐团Sugarcubes主唱,成为冰岛第一支写下国外排行佳绩的乐团。Sugarcubes解散后,Bjork单飞发行了‘Debut’、‘Post’、‘Homogenic’、‘Vespertine’、‘Medulla’等五张个人专辑;她独树一帜的特殊造型和唱腔,以及前卫大胆的实验乐风,始终为全球乐迷津津乐道。除了音乐外,2000年Bjork出任丹麦导演Lars von Trier执导的电影“Dancer In The Dark”女主角,首次跨足电影即以唱作俱佳的生动演技拿下坎城影展与欧洲影展双料影后!近来,她还客串演出知名视觉艺术家老公Matthew Barney的作品“Drawing Restraint 9”、并为电影创作配乐;最新专辑【Volta】中的两首歌曲“Declare Independence”、“Vertebrae By Vertebrae”即取样该原声带中的管乐演奏。

有别于以节奏为创作出发点或尝试大量人声交叠的前作,Bjork决定在第六张录音室专辑【Volta】中玩点轻松有趣的东西,让韵律跟着感觉走。一向独立谱写制作自己作品的她十分珍惜每次和其他音乐人合作的机会,这次她邀来和Sonic Youth长期合作的打击乐手Chris Corsano、Lightning Bolt鼓手Brian Chippendale;其他国际级乐手阵容还有:kora琴演奏家Toumani Diabate、琵琶演奏名家闵小芬、赢得2006年BBC世界音乐奖的非洲团体Konono N°1、冰岛10人编制管乐团等。而制作老搭档LFO团员Mark Bell、以及早就和Bjork互相崇拜的嘻哈制作天王 Timbaland的助阵,更让【Volta】的精采创意加倍。开场曲“Earth Intruders”是Bjork用音乐抒发2005年1月代表联合国儿童基金会探访遭大海啸侵袭后的印尼的深刻感触;在“Pneumonia”、“Hope”等歌曲中,Bjork用个人观点探讨了男女平等主义、自杀炸弹客等议题;“Declare Independence”则唤回她少女时期那段庞克摇滚客的青春记忆。大胆创新、跨越音乐国界的节奏实验,滚石杂志三颗半星赞赏,我们又再次听见独一无二、难以模仿的音乐鬼灵精-Bjork!

Volta is the seventh studio album by Icelandic musician Björk, released in May 2007. It was produced by Björk, Mark Bell, Timbaland and Danja. The music of Volta was a new style for Björk, focusing on music combining African-influenced beats with horn sections and elements of industrial music. The full album was accidentally made available on the UK iTunes Store at midnight on April 23, 2007 for a total of six hours, two weeks before the album's official release date. This led to the album being leaked online the following day. It has been certified Silver in the United Kingdom.
The album attracted attention due to the inclusion of three tracks co-produced by R&B record producer Timbaland. Volta marked the first of several production collaborations between Timbaland and Björk, whom Björk would cite as a major influence on her musical career. The album was highly acclaimed on its initial release and continues to be praised by critics. Volta spent nine weeks at number one on Billboard's Top Electronic Albums chart and in the first three months of release sold over half a million copies worldwide. The lead single, "Earth Intruders", reached number 67 on the UK Official Download Chart, and number 78 on the main UK Singles Chart, while the remix EP later released charted on its own at #150. In the United States, the song debuted on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 at number 84 in the issue dated April 28, 2007. Björk went on an 18 month tour in support of the album, which was her first tour in four years.
The album was re-released in June 2009 under the name Voltaïc. It refers to five separate releases of related material from Volta. The full version of the release will include a CD of 11 songs performed live at the Olympic Studios, a DVD of Björk's live performances in Paris and Reykjavík during the Volta tour, a second DVD of the Volta music videos as well as videos of the top ten runners-up from the "Innocence" video contest, and a second CD of remixes from Volta's singles. The official worldwide release date of all editions was June 23, 2009. The artwork was nominated for an award at the 2010 Brit Insurance Design Awards.