• 艺人:The Band   欧美乐队
  • 语种:英语
  • 唱片公司:Capitol
  • 发行时间:1968-07-01
  • 类别:录音室专辑

Music from Big Pink专辑介绍

The Band是一支有实力却又不张扬的乐队。从他们的专辑中常常可以闻到一股泥土的芳香,自然而踏实,这正是摇滚乐根源部的芬芳。

The Band初出道时正值嘻皮文化鼎盛期,但是他们并没有像许多其它的乐队那样以"爱与和平"为口头禅,以强烈鲜明的个性型外表去吸引人。而是专心地作着只属于他们的音乐。这张以有着淡淡哀愁的Tears of Rage开首,以I Shall Be Released结尾的专辑,仿佛令人感受到平淡却又充满着各种滋味的人生画卷。


同许多其他早期的根源摇滚作品一样,本作也很大程度受到了Bob Dylan的影响,十一首曲目中由Dylan直接或者间接参与创作的歌曲占了三首之多,它们分别是Tears of Rage,This Wheel's on Fire 和 I Shall Be Released。在这些歌曲中Richard Manuel的略带孤独感的嗓音给人留下很深刻的印象。

提起The Band,人们常常最先想起的是他们的巅峰期的作品《The Band》,但是本作为六,七十年代摇滚乐,尤其是Folk Rock风格奠定了基础。是摇滚乐名盘堂中必不可少的一张。


None of the Band's previous work gave much of a clue about how they would sound when they released their first album in July 1968. As it was, Music from Big Pink came as a surprise. At first blush, the group seemed to affect the sound of a loose jam session, alternating emphasis on different instruments, while the lead and harmony vocals passed back and forth as if the singers were making up their blend on the spot. In retrospect, especially as the lyrics sank in, the arrangements seemed far more considered and crafted to support a group of songs that took family, faith, and rural life as their subjects and proceeded to imbue their values with uncertainty. Some songs took on the theme of declining institutions less clearly than others, but the points were made musically as much as lyrically. Tenor Richard Manuel's haunting, lonely voice gave the album much of its frightening aspect, while Rick Danko's and Levon Helm's rough-hewn styles reinforced the songs' rustic fervor. The dominant instrument was Garth Hudson's often icy and majestic organ, while Robbie Robertson's unusual guitar work further destabilized the sound. The result was an album that reflected the turmoil of the late '60s in a way that emphasized the tragedy inherent in the conflicts. Music from Big Pink came off as a shockingly divergent musical statement only a year after the ornate productions of Sgt. Pepper, and initially attracted attention because of the three songs Bob Dylan had either written or co-written. However, as soon as "The Weight" became a minor singles chart entry, the album and the group made their own impact, influencing a movement toward roots styles and country elements in rock. Over time, Music from Big Pink came to be regarded as a watershed work in the history of rock, one that introduced new tones and approaches to the constantly evolving genre.