• 艺人:Emigrate   欧美乐队
  • 语种:英语
  • 唱片公司:Vertigo Berlin (Universal Music)
  • 发行时间:2014-11-14
  • 类别:录音室专辑

Silent So Long专辑介绍

德国工业金属乐队Rammstein主音吉他手Richard Z. Kruspe个人乐队Emigrat第二张官方录音室专辑,参与专辑合作的小伙伴有Frank Dellé(德国雷鬼音乐家)、Peaches(加拿大视觉电子摇滚音乐家)、Lemmy Kilmister(Motorhead主唱)、Jonathan Davis(Korn主唱)

(官网发行日期为11月14日) EMIGRATE, the side project of RAMMSTEIN guitarist Richard Z. Kruspe, will release its sophomore album, "Silent So Long", on October 21 via Spinefarm. The CD, which was produced by the EMIGRATE bandmembers themselves and mixed in February/March by Ben Grosse (MARILYN MANSON, DISTURBED), features guest appearances by Lemmy Kilmister (MOTÖRHEAD), Jonathan Davis (KORN), Marilyn Manson, Canadian born Berlin-dweller Peaches, and Frank Dellé from chart-topping German collective SEEED.

As with the debut, Kruspe adds to his guitar playing/songwriting duties by stepping up to the mic.

"I didn't write the songs with specific guests in mind," explains Kruspe, "I just thought who would do the best job on this or that track, and the final performances were everything I was hoping for. You know, I've had about five moments in my music career when I've been left smiling like a child — one was when RAMMSTEIN sold out New York's Madison Square Garden in 20 minutes (2010), but the last one was hearing Lemmy on tape. It just sounds fucking great! I wrote him a really long message and he came back, 'Alright!' Fantastic!"

For Kruspe, still firmly ensconced within the RAMMSTEIN ranks, EMIGRATE has never been a side or a solo project. Preferring to tap into the energy of a team, and looking to revive the collaborative spirit of the East German punk scene he grew from, the guitarist has always put value on those around him, and this time — in addition to the existing personnel of guitarist/producer Olson Involtini and bassist/co-conspirator Arnaud Giroux — he's joined by drummers Mikko Sirén (APOCALYPTICA) and Joe Letz (COMBICHRIST).

While "Emigrate" saw Kruspe, a restless creative spirit, proving that he could take on a new set of challenges, the follow-up adds fresh layers in terms of invention, emotion and contemporary sheen, with Margaux Bossieux — previously of New York punk band DIRTY MARY — providing telling backing vocals throughout; crafted with care in Kruspe's own Berlin studio plus the old radio building on the city's Nalepa Street, the latter enhanced by an extra control room's worth of gear (!), "Silent So Long" is another bold step forward, with both music and (English) lyrics showing no desire to be corralled, and Kruspe the guitarist happy to let rip where the music demands.

Says Kruspe: "For me, it was important to reach a new level of songwriting, singing and production, and I can honestly say we made it."



Als Gitarrist von Rammstein hat Richard Kruspe alles erreicht, was man als Musiker erreichen kann: Platinalben, umjubelte Konzerte auf dem gesamten Erdball, aufgeregte Debatten, Kritik – und am Ende höchste Feuilleton-Weihen. Doch es gibt noch einen anderen Richard Kruspe. Mit seinem Soloprojekt Emigrate trat er 2007 erstmals als Sänger und Hauptkomponist ins Licht und erreichte auf Anhieb beste Chartnotierungen. Beinahe sieben Jahre später erscheint nun das zweite Emigrate-Album: Auf Silent So Long vereint Kruspe nicht nur die bislang besten Songs seiner Solokarriere, mit Lemmy Kilmister (Motörhead), Jonathan Davies (Korn), Marylin Manson, Peaches und anderen bietet das Album auch eine einmalige Armada erstklassiger Gäste, die der musikalische Direktor Richard Kruspe in einem düsterlackierten Metal-Jam der Sonderklasse kongenial durch seine Songs führt. Aufgenommen hat Kruspe Silent So Long abermals mit der bewährten Mannschaft, dem Mit-Produzenten und Gitarristen Olson Involtini sowie Arnaud Giroux am Bass. Das in Los Angeles gemeinsam mit Ben Grosse (Depeche Mode u.a.) abgemischte Werk ist das Ergebnis einer beeindruckenden Teamleistung – mit einem als Sänger deutlich gereiften Richard Kruspe auf der Höhe seines Schaffens an der Spitze.