• 艺人:Andrea Bocelli   欧美乐队
  • 语种:意大利语
  • 唱片公司:Verve
  • 发行时间:2013-01-29
  • 类别:录音室专辑


用世纪经典 与全球热恋

◆安德烈波伽利 美声赞颂18首史上最浪漫情歌经典
◆大卫佛斯特制作,已故法国香颂歌后琵雅芙跨越时空经典对唱“La Vie En Rose玫瑰人生”,力邀珍妮佛洛佩兹、妮莉费塔朵、当代小号巨星克里斯伯堤共同跨刀
◆重新诠释猫王名曲“Love Me Tender”、电影「西雅图夜未眠」主题曲“When I Fall In Love”、电影「花样年华」主题曲“Quizas, Quizas, Quizas”、巴莎诺瓦名曲“Garota De Ipanema”


  青少年时光,波伽利在义大利托斯坎尼家乡的钢琴酒吧弹琴及演唱,当时每天都有人点唱巴莎诺瓦音乐大师裘宾的招牌作“Garota De Ipanema”、“Corcovado”,猫王的抒情经典“Love Me Tender”,义大利名曲“Era Gia Tutto Previsto”、“Champagne”,拿坡里民谣“Anema e Core”、“Mala Femmena”。如今,物换星移,缔造全球超过8000万张专辑销售的波伽利已成为音乐史上最成功的古典艺人,他成功引领古典音乐跨界进占全球的流行音乐排行榜,创造了一股新的音乐风潮,还曾应邀为四任美国总统、两位教宗以及英国皇室献唱,荣膺担任奥运与世界盃足球赛典礼的演唱贵宾,他的精湛歌艺更获得世界三大男高音中的帕华洛帝、卡列拉斯、义大利传奇男高音柯瑞里与流行天后席琳狄翁的赞叹推崇。

  尽管坐拥辉煌成就,波伽利2013最新专辑【Passione】的灵感却大部份来自成名前的岁月,当时的音乐记忆点缀并陪伴了他的年少时光。「这些歌曲之中,充满了珍贵的回忆、悸动的情绪、失眠到天亮的夜晚,有歌声陪伴,有双手紧握,还有怎麽都说不完的傻情话。」波伽利决定灌唱这些常在他脑海里响起的义大利情歌、西班牙恋曲与美国流行金曲。他邀请合作过2006年浪漫情歌专辑『Amore』与2009年圣诞专辑『My Christmas』的16座葛莱美奖金牌制作人大卫佛斯特掌舵制作,两人在托斯坎尼进行录唱工作。波伽利在大卫佛斯特的钢琴乐音、秘鲁吉他手Ramon Stagnaro以及编制63人的英国管弦乐团共同营造的古巴、巴西、葡萄牙风情乐声之中,分别以义大利文、英文、法文、西班牙文、葡萄牙文与拿坡里方言等六种语言灌录世界各国的情歌,像是猫王的“Love Me Tender”、巴莎诺瓦乐风名作“Garota De Ipanema”等深受乐迷喜爱的情歌,还特地将美国流行歌手Neil Diamond改编自法文名曲的英文歌“September Morn”翻唱成义大利版的“Sara Settembre”,同时也挑选80年代席卷欧陆的名曲“Champagne”、“Love In Portofino”、“Era Gia Tutto Previsto”。

  波伽利也与三位不同世代的女歌手共谱情歌恋曲,像是与性感天后珍妮佛洛佩兹合唱电影「花样年华」主题曲“Quizas, Quizas, Quizas”,与妮莉费塔朵合唱葡萄牙名曲“Corcovado”,透过录音科技与已故法国歌后琵雅芙跨时空对唱香颂金曲“La Vie En Rose”。此外,在当代小号巨星克里斯伯堤的优雅乐声伴奏下,重唱电影「西雅图夜未眠」主题曲“When I Fall In Love”与改编自义大利国宝音乐家颜尼欧莫利克奈所谱写的电影「新天堂乐园」主题音乐名曲“Il Nostro Incontro”。


Filled with romance and beauty, "Passione" is a lush collection of Mediterranean love songs featuring duets with global pop stars Jennifer Lopez, Nelly Furtado, and the late Edith Piaf. The album reunites Bocelli with 16-time Grammy Award-winning producer David Foster, who produced Bocelli's 2006 release "Amore," which sold more than 4.2 million copies.

"Passione" is in essence the second volume of "Amore," with a "fil rouge" which ideally connects the albums. As with "Amore," which featured timeless masterworks, "Passione" includes several beloved classics such as "Love Me Tender," "Girl From Ipanema," and "Sarà Settembre," (better known to English-speaking audiences as Neil Diamond's "September Morn"). Jennifer Lopez is featured on the soft and sensual track "Quizás Quizás Quizás" and Nelly Furtado joins Bocelli on "Corcovado." The album also features a duet with the late French chanteuse Edith Piaf on the song "La Vie En Rose."

On the album, Bocelli sings in six languages (Italian, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Neapolitan) with his unmistakable voice, as Foster accompanies him on piano, along with Peruvian guitarist Ramon Stagnaro. The sensual sound is rounded out by Cuban, Brazilian, and Portuguese rhythms and a 63-piece orchestra recorded in London.

"Andrea continues to be my favorite singer of all time," Foster declares. "I pride myself on working with great voices, but he transcends that. He's a singer for all people, from the common man to the Pope."

Bocelli is an iconic figure in music with a myriad of breathtaking career achievements to his name. The Italian tenor is the most successful classical solo artist ever and one of the best-selling artists in music history, period, with more than 80 million albums sold worldwide. He is also credited with enabling the core classical repertoire to cross over and find a home atop the international pop charts, creating a new genre of music along the way. He has performed for four U.S. presidents, two popes, and the British royal family, as well as at ceremonies for the Olympic Games and the World Cup. He has been praised by such luminaries as Luciano Pavarotti, Franco Corelli (his beloved teacher and guide), Zubin Mehta, José Carreras, Lorin Maazel, Renée Fleming, and Celine Dion.