King of the Delta Blues专辑介绍

公认为代表了Blues最高境界的一张专辑,Rober Johnson是前50名里出现的又一位早夭的天才,他一生中仅仅录制了29首歌,但这丝毫不影响他作为Delta Blues的王者被人顶礼膜拜。他拥有让人惊叹的音乐表现力,演出才华和吉他技术。如果我们不在意这些早期录音中的音质瑕疵,同样可以从中感受到布鲁斯的魅力。他的29首歌先后以两张名为King of the Delta Blues Singers的唱片发行,分为1、2两卷。
This 16-track single-disc compilation gathers up the best-known tracks from the two original volumes of King of the Delta Blues Singers for a nice entry-level collection of Robert's best. Utilizing the latest in remastering technology, these recordings have never sounded quite this clear and full-bodied before, and the difference between this and the first pressing of the Complete Recordings box set is quite noticeable. While sweating down Johnson's best to a 16-track selection is an arbitrary choice at best, it's hard to fault the selection here. It's also a focused set that isn't hampered by the inclusion of the more collector-oriented alternate takes that bog down much of the box set's listenability.