• 艺人:U.S. Bombs   欧美女艺人
  • 语种:英语
  • 唱片公司:Epitaph
  • 发行时间:2003-03-11
  • 类别:录音室专辑

Covert Action专辑介绍

by Kurt Morris

The punk nihilistic attitude is surely still evident on the U.S. Bombs' fourth release for Hellcat Records. What's more prevalent, however, is the political tone the album takes in reaction to the events of 9/11 and the sphere of influence involving the federal government. The tune "Framed" is surely a controversial song if there ever was one. In the song, the band suggests that the government was actually responsible for the crime and proceeded to frame Timothy McVeigh. This is followed up by "John Gottie," in which the band believes that the government might be better off run by the mob. Subject matter such as this will no doubt be tough for people to swallow, even some in the punk scene. Musically, though, the band hasn't strayed too far from the sound it has become known for: a dash of the Clash, some street-smart Boston punk (lead singer Duane Peters sounding vaguely similar to Dicky Barrett doesn't hurt the association), the Sex Pistols, and a good number of Hellcat and Fat Wreck bands. The U.S. Bombs certainly can't be faulted for being an engaging and challenging band. This style of punk, while seeming outdated at first listen, reveals itself to have more depth than the traditional '70s punk album possessed. The additional ska influences help spice things up, too. In the midst of its career, it's nice to see a band reinvent itself, whether musically or lyrically. The U.S. Bombs seem to be doing a fine job on both accounts.