• 艺人:Alan Silvestri   欧美乐队
  • 语种:其他
  • 唱片公司:Sony Music
  • 发行时间:1994-08-02
  • 类别:原声带、影视音乐

Forrest Gump (Original Motion Picture Score)(阿甘正传)专辑介绍

by William Ruhlmann

Forrest Gump was a sugar lump of a movie, a fact driven home by this album containing Alan Silvestri's saccharine score, all cute little piano high notes and swatches of melody rolling out of the string section. There is also a two-disc soundtrack album containing pop songs heard in the picture. It's music to watch feathers waft in the breeze by, and is therefore appropriate to the film, although it has little value on its own.