• 艺人:Jason Mraz   欧美男艺人
  • 语种:英语
  • 唱片公司:Elektra
  • 发行时间:2002-10-15
  • 类别:录音室专辑

Waiting for My Rocket to Come专辑介绍

Jason Mraz在主流厂牌的第一张专辑。当所有乐评皆连番盛赞他的声音完美的像水晶般晶莹剔透,所有美国网路爱乐者都在悄悄讨论他和今年葛莱美最佳男歌手John Mayer究竟孰优孰劣,并说他的Live表演简直是此乐只有天上有的独一无二精彩演出,你开始好奇的想好好认识这个现在美国乐坛少见的天才型流行/民谣创作歌手—Jason Mraz。"You And I Both"收录于《Waiting For My Rocket To Come CD》,其中"Remedy (I Won't Worry)",也是相当好听的一首歌,整张专辑相当有个人特色,非常值得一听。

Jason Mraz's Waiting for My Rocket to Come is a two-part invention. The first level is that of a young, almost compelling, singer/songwriter. Mraz has a nice voice, perhaps a little too articulated at times, which manages to mostly avoid the histrionic despite a predilection towards show tuney melodic turns. His voice tumbles out on top of folk-reggae rhythms that will probably sound a bit dated with time, but his vocals are filled with enough internal rhythms and rhymes to keep them interesting. Lyrically, Mraz relies on cliché to a certain degree, but does so with an earnestness that allows for believability and an eye for imagery that succeeds often enough to suggest that he knows what he's doing. The second level of Waiting for My Rocket to Come is the production of John Alagía, whose work has enhanced other similar folk-pop fair, including the Dave Matthews Band and O.A.R. His work with Mraz is, at its best, transparent, filling out the songs with subtle and glossy production and instrumentation. Reflections of banjos, organs, mellotrons, lap steels, ukuleles, and others peak out through the shine of the tunes, creating an impact too rich to be written off as lite.