• 艺人:Sting   欧美男艺人
  • 语种:英语
  • 唱片公司:Deutsche Grammophon
  • 发行时间:2009-10-27
  • 类别:录音室专辑

If On A Winter's Night...专辑介绍

这张《If On a Winter's Night…》当中,与Sting合作的制作人是曾制作了爵士乐大师赫比-汉考克(Herbie Hancock)格莱美获奖作品《Gershwin's World》的罗伯特-萨丁(Robert Sadin),此外,包括吉他手多米尼克-米勒(Dominic Miller)在内的几位与Sting合作已久的音乐人也都出现在这张专辑当中。由Sting全新创作的两首歌曲叫作《Lullaby for an Anxious Child》和《The Hounds of Winter》,被重新演绎的传统歌曲包括纽卡斯尔民歌《The Snow It Melts the Soonest》、英国“乞讨之歌”《A Soalin》以及一首14世纪的颂歌《Gabriel's Message》。
If On a Winter's Night... is a studio album from British musician Sting.It was released on 27 October 2009 in the United States and 2 November 2009 in the United Kingdom.[citation needed] The album was released in several formats: vinyl LP, a single-disc CD, a limited edition CD & making-of DVD entitled "The Genesis of 'If On a Winter's Night...' in six chapters" in Hardback Book packaging, an Amazon.com exclusive version, as well as various import editions (of note is the Japanese edition). The limited edition and Amazon exclusive both include bonus songs; the Japanese edition include them as well but adds "The Coventry Carol."
The title of the album is based on the novel If on a winter's night a traveler by Italo Calvino.