• 艺人:Jessie J   欧美女艺人
  • 语种:英语
  • 唱片公司:Republic Records
  • 发行时间:2014-10-14
  • 类别:录音室专辑

Sweet Talker专辑介绍

★强打推荐:与乐坛安娜公主Ariana Grande、嘻哈妖姬Nicki Minaj精彩交锋的首支单曲"Bang Bang"攻佔英国金榜冠军,iTunes 40国冠军及告示牌No.3

荣获英国BBC评选为2011年度之声,拿下2011年全英音乐奖的乐评首选奖,担任2012年伦敦奥运大使、闭幕典礼演唱嘉宾,歌唱选秀节目「英国好声音」的歌唱教练,缔造2000万张单曲与400万张专辑销售,拥有超过1800万名的脸书粉丝,英国流行女歌手Jessie J挟带奖座、掌声与人气指数,祭出结合流行乐、节奏蓝调、灵魂乐、嘻哈魅力的2014年大碟【Sweet Talker】!

专辑中与流行乐界的安娜公主Ariana Grande、嘻哈妖姬Nicki Minaj精彩交锋的首支单曲"Bang Bang"抢尽排行锋头,攻佔英国金榜冠军、全美热门单曲榜第3名等全球14国TOP 10,在40国的iTunes夺冠,在45国的iTunes挺进TOP 10!

与Adele、Leona Lewis同属于英国唱片工业成立的表演艺术与技术学院BRIT School的Jessie J,她在2009年以创作Miley Cyrus畅销曲"Party In The U.S.A."引起乐坛注意;2011年发表首张专辑『Who You Are』,专辑在超过15个国家获得白金唱片销售认证,发行首週空降英国金榜亚军,随后也成为该年度英国最畅销的首张专辑,更写下第一位在一张专辑创造6首英国金榜TOP 10畅销单曲的英国女歌手的纪录,包括:"Price Tag"(*英国金榜在内18国冠军)、"Domino"(*英国金榜冠军、全美舞曲榜冠军/流行单曲榜亚军/热门单曲榜第6名)、"Do It Like A Dude"(UK#2)、与法国电音DJ David Guetta合作的"Laserlight"(UK#5)、"Who You Are"(UK#8)、"Nobody’s Perfect"(UK#9)。

Jessie J在伦敦奥运闭幕典礼上与Queen乐团携手献唱名曲"We Will Rock You"震撼全球;2013年发行第2张专辑『Alive』,专辑晋升英国金榜第3名,专辑推出两首英国金榜TOP 10畅销曲,包括:与嘻哈歌手Big Sean跟Dizzee Rascal合作的"Wild"(UK#5)、"It’s My Party"(UK#3)。她在2014年以电影「派特的幸福剧本」主题曲"Silver Lining (Crazy ’Bout You)"获得葛莱美奖最佳视觉媒体歌曲提名。

两度入围全英音乐奖最佳英国女艺人的Jessie J邀请包括:Max Martin(*Taylor Swift)、Josh Alexander(*Demi Lovato)、Diplo(*Bruno Mars)、Tricky Stewart & The-Dream(*Rihanna)、Steve Mac & Wayne Hector(*The Wanted)、Ilya(*Jennifer Lopez),Will IDAP(*Nico & Vinz)等歌曲创作与製作名人共同打造【Sweet Talker】专辑,专辑中除了火红单曲"Bang Bang"之外,还有与葛莱美奖提名嘻哈歌手2 Chainz合作的嘻哈派对热歌"Burnin’ Up",与嘻哈经典名团De La Soul过招的"Seal Me With A Kiss",英国流行灵魂乐男歌手John Newman打造的流行佳作"Fire",展现情感爆发力的"Get Away"…等。(博客来)

Sweet Talker is the upcoming third studio album by English singer-songwriter Jessie J, scheduled to be released 13 October 2014 through Lava Records and Republic Records.

American rapper 2 Chainz, American singer Ariana Grande, and Trinidadian-American rapper Nicki Minaj all make guest appearances on the album, in addition to hip hop group De La Soul and violinist Lindsey Stirling. Jessie co-wrote the album and worked with The-Dream, Diplo, Tricky Stewart, Max Martin, Ammo and amongst a host of collaborators from both new and old. The album was preceded by the lead single, "Bang Bang", which features singer Ariana Grande and rapper Nicki Minaj was released on 29 July 2014 and was met with critical acclaim from music critics. It also became a worldwide hit, reaching the top 10 in Australia, Canada, Denmark, New Zealand, and reaching the top 5 in the United States, becoming Jessie's most successful single in the USA, surpassing her previous chart peak reached in 2012 with 'Domino' at #6. It also topped the singles chart in the United Kingdom, becoming Jessie's third number one hit here.