• 艺人:Madonna   欧美女艺人
  • 语种:英语
  • 唱片公司:Sire Records
  • 发行时间:1990-11-09
  • 类别:精选集

The Immaculate Collection专辑介绍

麦当娜1990年推出的一张精选集,达到了千万销量,麦姐的号召力可见一斑,即使是以挑剔著称的滚石杂志编辑,也不得不调侃地说,这张专辑里什么都没有,除了好听的歌。从《Holiday》、《Like a Virgin》到《Like a Prayer》,确实是很强的精选。虽然麦当娜的创作能力和个人生活总是受到质疑,但她的音乐表现力是值得肯定的,否则她也不可能成为80年代最成功的流行女歌手了。


On the surface, the single-disc hits compilation The Immaculate Collection appears to be a definitive retrospective of Madonna's heyday in the '80s. After all, it features 17 of Madonna's greatest hits, from "Holiday" and "Like a Virgin" to "Like a Prayer" and "Vogue." However, looks can be deceiving. It's true that The Immaculate Collection contains the bulk of Madonna's hits, but there are several big hits that aren't present, including "Angel," "Dress You Up," "True Blue," "Who's That Girl," and "Causing a Commotion." The songs that are included are frequently altered. Everything on the collection is remastered in Q-sound, which gives an exaggerated sense of stereo separation that often distorts the original intent of the recordings. Furthermore, several songs are faster than their original versions and some are faded out earlier than either their single or album versions, while others are segued together. In other words, while all the hits are present, they're simply not in their correct versions. Nevertheless, The Immaculate Collection remains a necessary purchase, because it captures everything Madonna is about and it proves that she was one of the finest singles artists of the '80s. Until the original single versions are compiled on another album, The Immaculate Collection is the closest thing to a definitive retrospective.