• 艺人:Buckethead   欧美男艺人
  • 语种:英语
  • 唱片公司:TDRS
  • 发行时间:2005-12-02
  • 类别:录音室专辑

Inbred Mountain专辑介绍

2005年,桶头透过坦其恩的音乐厂牌发行「鸡来了」(Enter the Chicken),这是一张桶头与朋友专辑,收录许多他跟其他乐手合作的成果。此外,他还发行了两张个人专辑「万花头」(Kaleidoscalp) 和「阴晡蚋山」(Inbred Mountain),原本这两张专辑只在现场演奏会卖,后来则可透过迪克森的音乐厂牌TDRS Music购得。 桶头也在这一年发行第一套DVD「桶头密笈」,这套DVD原本只在巡回演奏会贩售,没办法去的人只好透过拍卖网购得。后来迪克森在TDRS的网站上用限量发售+抽签的方式以飨乐迷。现在这套DVD已经可以轻易取得了。

Inbred Mountain is Buckethead's sixteenth studio album. Previously only sold on tour, the album is now widely available through the label TDRS Music. It was the first album of Buckethead's that Travis Dickerson released through his own label.
Parts of the song "Lotus Island" appeared on "I See Rockets" from the album Living on Another Frequency by Science Faxtion.