• 艺人:Beyoncé   欧美女艺人
  • 语种:英语
  • 唱片公司:Columbia
  • 发行时间:2003-06-22
  • 类别:录音室专辑

Dangerously In Love专辑介绍

在乐迷引领期盼下,标致辣妹-碧昂丝终于推出首张个人专辑《危险爱情 Dangerously In Love》。全球多白金唱片销售纪录的葛莱美奖得主“天命真女”第一女主音碧昂丝,这回带给乐迷全新惊艳感受!
不同于以往着重在三人合声的“天命真女”音乐,《Dangerously In Love》体现完全私密的碧昂丝,多元性的音乐型态和更加精确感受的歌词,这就是碧昂丝在首张个人专辑要带给乐迷新鲜蔓妙的声音表情。身为全球唱片销售超过三千三百万张的“天命真女”主要词曲创作人,碧昂丝于2001年已是首位非裔美籍女性(有史以来第二位女性),荣获ASCAP年度流行词曲创作人奖。在个人专辑中碧昂丝更是包办写曲、制作、录音等各项工作,充分地将她的才华发挥得淋漓尽致。
《Dangerously In Love》结合了极具魅力的中版华丽抒情曲,以及火辣动感的舞池节拍两大类型,精准的呈现出碧昂丝个人成熟、热情以及性感的特质,,Jay-Z为了回报碧昂丝在他的Top10单曲献声,特来跨刀助阵。亚洲版中F4吴建豪特别与碧昂丝合作另一版本,届时歌迷将可比较 Jay-Z与 Vanness两位中西饶舌高手的耍嘴功夫!除此之外,Missy Elliot、Sean Paul、Luther Vandross等也都前来共襄盛举。

Dangerously in Love is the debut solo album of American R&B singer Beyoncé Knowles, released June 22, 2003 on Columbia Records. Recordings sessions for the album took place during 2002 to March 2003 at several recording studios, during the hiatus of her former group Destiny's Child. Primarily R&B and soul-oriented, the album is mostly composed of uptempo songs and ballads, and features elements of hip hop and Arabic music. Although Knowles remained discreet about her interpretation of the songs, the lyrics were attributed by music writers to her close relationship with rapper Jay-Z at the time.

Upon its release, Dangerously in Love propelled Knowles' aim in becoming a viable solo star, as well as one of the most marketable acts in the recording industry. It debuted at number one on the U.S. Billboard 200 chart, selling 317,000 copies in its first week. The album became a worldwide commercial success, earning multi-platinum certifications in Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Dangerously in Love received generally mixed to positive reviews from music critics upon its release and earned Knowles five Grammy Awards.