• 艺人:Demi Lovato   欧美女艺人
  • 语种:英语
  • 唱片公司:Hollywood
  • 发行时间:2013-05-10
  • 类别:录音室专辑


(By 虾米) Demi Lovato童星出道,在许多剧集中都要客串演出。后在迪斯尼的《摇滚夏令营》出演女主角,姣好的外形和甜美的嗓音在年轻群体观众中获得一致的喜爱,电影也在全美首播创下 890 万人次观赏的记录,并且跃居收视冠军。Demi也成为继Miley Cyrus之后迪斯尼力捧的偶像。虽然才21岁,新专辑《Demi》已经是她第四张作品,这次更是大胆尝试性感叛逆风,从封面就不难看出。

May 14th marks the release of Demi Lovato‘s self-titled album Demi, and as we get closer to the date, Ms. Lovato continues to release more info about her new album. We officially have the track list for Demi, and we gotta say, it’s looking good. The only lyrics we know now are “Heart Attack”, but we’re excited to hear songs like “Made In the USA” (sounds like it could be “Party In The USA” 2.0?), or her song with Cher Lloyd (which we bet is going to be a super-fun dance track). Check out the song titles on Demi’s new record below: