• 艺人:Hans Zimmer   欧美男艺人
  • 语种:英语
  • 唱片公司:Universal
  • 发行时间:2002-01-15
  • 类别:原声带、影视音乐

Black Hawk Down (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)(黑鹰坠落)专辑介绍

这是一张充满世界音乐(World Music)的原声唱片。Hans Zimmer在这部描写联合国维和部队在索马里执行艰巨任务的电影中,把音乐气氛推到神秘、危险、诡异的极限。 这张原声唱片收录了世界各地不同的声音:来自塞内加尔的Baaba,Maal那属于非洲部落的原始咏唱和电子节奏配合得出神入化;来自澳洲的二人组合 Deadcandance的女主音Lisagerrard继续发扬她在《角斗士》原声唱片中的空灵飘逸风格;阿尔及利亚的歌手Rachidtaha演绎了其作品。 除了歌曲部分外,其余的配乐部分也相当精彩。既有紧张刺激的电子节奏“Barrabarra”,也有气势汹汹的重型摇滚“Chant”,还有带着索马里摩加迪沙当地特色的布鲁斯“Mogadishublues”。辽阔、大气却隐藏危机的战争气氛是这张专辑要表达的情绪。就像在炎炎烈日的沙漠,透过墨镜,你看到了金字塔————既看到了庄严,也看到了邪气,也许还看到了海市蜃楼,那是黑鹰坠落时幻化的光影。

Once again, director Ridley Scott has employed composer Hans Zimmer to score a motion picture, following their collaboration on Gladiator (2000) and Hannibal (2001). From ancient Rome to the world of a serial killer, Scott's settings vary considerably, and Black Hawk Down presents yet another musical challenge, set in Mogadishu, Somalia, during a failed mission by UN peacekeeping (i.e., U.S. military) personnel in 1993. Zimmer has done his homework on traditional North African music as it meets the late 20th century; his work combines identifiably Middle Eastern strains with elements of techno. The key to the approach is the use of vocalists Baaba Maal ("Hunger," "Still") and Rachid Taha (Taha's own co-composition "Barra Barra"). Although the music is quite aggressive early on, the later tracks reflect the mission's troubles. Denez Prigent and Lisa Gerrard's "Gortoz a Ran -- J'Attends" is distinctly elegiac, and the symphonic "Leave No Man Behind" toward the end makes it clear that, even if men haven't been left behind, they haven't necessarily been brought back alive. This sadness is given its final expression in a new recording of the traditional song "Minstrel Boy" by Joe Strummer and the Mescaleros (an earlier version is on their 2001 album Global a Go-Go) that plays over the credits. Zimmer used an unusual method to play this score, putting together the BHD Band, consisting of himself on keyboards, guitarists Michael Brook and Heitor Pereira, and string players Craig Eastman and Martin Tillman, and in effect jamming on much of the music, with orchestral scoring added later. He has achieved a style that works well for the downbeat, if suspenseful, tone of the film and its exotic setting.