• 艺人:Carpenters   欧美乐队
  • 语种:英语
  • 唱片公司:A&M
  • 发行时间:1973-05-16
  • 类别:录音室专辑

Now & Then专辑介绍

这张在1973年发行的「Now & Then」是Carpenters的第五张专辑,当时声势早已如日中天的Carpenters,发行这张专辑当然受到相当大的欢迎,从一开始来自芝麻街歌曲的「Sing」就能感受与友同在的欢乐气氛。「This Masquerade」则是充满了成人抒情意味的感觉,「Heather」虽然只是首音乐演奏,但我却非常喜欢,可以感觉一下70年代常出现的配乐音乐感觉。「Jambalaya」这首小野丽莎最近也有翻唱过的歌曲,在Carpenters的詮释下似乎更胜一筹;「I Can't Make Music」与经典的「Yesterday Once More」则是相当感人的歌曲。

而从「Yesterday Once More」开始到最后一首歌,则是以广播的趣味形式来詮释,由Carpenters的哥哥理查担任电台主持人,在他瓜拉瓜拉讲一串后介绍了许多首早期的歌曲,当然歌曲也是由妹妹凯伦来演唱,其中有抒情有快歌,感觉真的听了一场怀旧的广播节目。其中我觉得也很好听,但很少收录在精选集中的歌曲如「The End Of The World」(原唱为Skeeter Davi)、「Johnny Angel」(原唱为Shelly Fabares)、「Our Day Will Come」(原唱为Ruby & the Romantics)等歌曲,最后在轻快的「One Fine Day」之后,最后再重复「Yesterday Once More」的第一句歌词「When I was young I'd listen to the radio」,就彷彿这段广播带给人们无尽的怀念将整张专辑不舍的作为结束。

by Bruce Eder

It was with the release of Now & Then that the Carpenters lost any pretense of being even dorky-cool . The album jacket was a giveaway, depicting them in a car in front of a suburban home. The problem also laid in the relentlessly cheerful childrens' chorus on "Sing," which seemed to come out of every public music outlet that spring and summer; the silly version of "Jambalaya" on side one; and the oldies medley on the second side, which at least predated Happy Days' going on the air but still botched its job, mixing Karen Carpenter's haunting rendition of "Johnny Angel" and her spirited version of "One Fine Day" (anticipating her white-bread but effective version of "Beechwood 4-5789") with filler like "Fun Fun Fun" and "Deadman's Curve," all interspersed with Tony Peluso doing his best (i.e., worst) imitation of an obnoxious disc jockey. Whatever the reason, from the moment of the release of Now & Then, anyone under 30 buying a Carpenters album would have good reason to go to a neighborhood where no one knew them to make the purchase, and hide it from their friends. The pity is that the medley paled next to its framing song, the wistful "Yesterday Once More," the last really memorable song that the duo introduced, which summed up in four minutes all of the emotions and sensations that the medley took 15 to deliver. And that song was botched in its album edit, which, instead of giving it an ending, made it part of the medley, with an annoying segue into the latter.