• 艺人:Oasis   欧美乐队
  • 语种:英语
  • 唱片公司:Sony Music
  • 发行时间:1998-11-03
  • 类别:精选集

The Masterplan专辑介绍

The Masterplan is a compilation album by English rock band Oasis, comprising B-sides which never made it onto an album. The album was originally intended for release only in areas such as the United States and Japan, where the tracks were only available on expensive European import singles. It was first released in late 1998. The Masterplan reached number 2 in the UK where it went platinum, and number 51 in the United States. However, it did reach the Top 20 in various charts around the world, going on to sell two million copies. Four songs from the album (Acquiesce, Talk Tonight, Half the World Away and The Masterplan) appear on the 2006 compilation album Stop the Clocks.

The Masterplan专辑歌曲