• 艺人:Sum 41   欧美乐队
  • 语种:英语
  • 唱片公司:Columbia
  • 发行时间:2002-06-17
  • 类别:EP、单曲

What We're All About专辑介绍

"What We're All About" is the title of a song recorded by Canadian punk band Sum 41. It was released in June 2002 as a single and taken from the Spider-Man movie soundtrack. Kerry King of the thrash metal band Slayer is featured in the music video and performs the guitar solo in the song. This is a reworked version of "Dave's Possessed Hair/It's What We're all About" that appeared on the band's first album, Half Hour of Power. Part of the first verse is rapped in the beginning of the Fat Lip music video. The song segues into the 55-second instrumental track, "Ride the Chariot to the Devil".

What We're All About专辑歌曲