• 艺人:Bon Jovi   欧美乐队
  • 语种:英语
  • 唱片公司:Island
  • 发行时间:2004-11-16
  • 类别:精选集

100,000,000 Bon Jovi Fans Can't Be Wrong专辑介绍

Bon Jovi于1983年成军至今已经21年,所有的团员全部由主唱兼团长的Jon Bongiovi找来:吉他手Richie Sambora、贝斯手Alec John Such(已于1994年退出)、鼓手Tico Torres与键盘手David Bryan。Jon Bongiovi和Mercury唱片公司签约后,他将姓氏的同音字拆解为团名,Bon Jovi就此诞生,而乐团成员也自此维持10余年不变。

而真正让Bon Jovi尝到大红大紫滋味的应该是1986年推出的第三张决定性专辑Slippery When Wet(难以捉摸)。这张堪称Bon Jovi音乐注册商标的专辑,首支单曲You Give Love A Bad Name一推出就攻占Billboard单曲排行冠军,第二首让乐迷朗朗上口的单曲Livin' On A Prayer同样成绩斐然,流畅但不落俗套的编曲至今仍让乐迷们念念难忘。这张专辑让Bon Jovi获得空前的成功,不但蝉连Billboard专辑榜冠军宝座长达8周,更在榜上停留了40周之久,并晋身摇滚巨星的行列。而Bon Jovi团员得天独厚的开麦拉费司和亲和力不但为80年代末期开拓出硬式摇滚曲风的女性听众版图,他们融合了摇滚与流行乐的音乐风格更是吸引许多新进乐团争相学习。接着1988年推出的专辑New Jersey(新泽西)又为Bon Jovi的歌唱事业掀起另一波高潮。这张展现出更纯熟音乐风格及深富意含歌词内容的专辑,为Bon Jovi缔造出多首经典歌曲如:Bad Medicine、Born To Be My Baby、I'll Be There For You等。Bon Jovi受全球欢迎的程度,也让他们成为第一个受苏联官方邀请表演的西洋团体。然而在历经无数精疲力竭的巡回演唱会后,Bon Jovi对于未来的不确定性让他们在歌唱事业高峰暂时退出乐坛,期间只有主唱Jon Bon Jovi和吉他手Richie Sambora推出个人专辑,直到1992年时Bon Jovi才再以全新的姿态复出乐坛。

Bon Jovi或许不是摇滚历史上获得乐评众多赞扬与肯定的摇滚乐团,但他们将艰涩的硬式摇滚流行化而吸引更广大歌迷的创举却是不争的事实。随着这10年来音乐型态的流转变迁,Bon Jovi仍坚定自己的摇滚路线,以真实的自我,在每个音乐交替的世代呈现出最具震撼力的作品。


100,000,000 Bon Jovi Fans Can't Be Wrong is a boxed set released in 2004 on Island Records. A collection of demos and B-sides, it was released to celebrate Bon Jovi's twentieth anniversary and the milestone of the band selling 100,000,000 albums worldwide.

The box set consists of 4 CDs, and also includes a DVD of the band talking about the tracks and additional archive candid footage of the band. Additionally, the Japanese version of the box set also includes a fifth CD. The box set charted at #53 on The Billboard 200.

Apart from songs released as iTunes singles "The Radio Saved My Life Tonight" was released as a promo CD single for the box set. and charted in Japan at #37. The song was since played extensively on the bands following Have a Nice Day Tour.

The box set includes the songs "Real Life", "Edge of a Broken Heart" and "Good Guys Don't Always Wear White" all previously released as singles for soundtrack albums but never featured on a Bon Jovi album until now.

The title and the cover art is a play on the 1959 Elvis Presley compilation 50,000,000 Elvis Fans Can't Be Wrong.

100,000,000 Bon Jovi Fans Can't Be Wrong专辑歌曲

disc 1
08I Get a Rush Unreleased

求谱:1 拨片:23

disc 2
10Outlaws of Love Unreleased

求谱:1 拨片:10

disc 3
disc 4
04Always Unreleased Demo
