• 艺人:Blink-182   欧美乐队
  • 语种:英语
  • 唱片公司:Geffen
  • 发行时间:2005-11-28
  • 类别:EP、单曲

Not Now专辑介绍

"Not Now" is a song written by Blink-182 during the recording for their Blink-182 album. An article with Rolling Stone in 2003 states Tom DeLonge was upset that this song didn't make it on the final album, but the song still appears on the UK release, the single "I Miss You", on the compilation album Atticus: ...Dragging the Lake, Vol. 3. Both of the Blink-182 releases are a slightly shorter edit, where the bridge is shortened, making it roughly 15 seconds shorter. It was also the only single released from the Greatest Hits and the last single released from the band after the announcement of their hiatus, until the band reunited in 2009. The song reached number 18 on the U.S. Modern Rock chart and number 30 on the UK Singles Chart. DeLonge was known to sing this song during Angels & Airwaves concerts.

Not Now专辑歌曲