• 艺人:Blink-182   欧美乐队
  • 语种:英语
  • 唱片公司:DGC, Interscope
  • 发行时间:2011-09-27
  • 类别:录音室专辑


★首支单曲"Up All Night"抢攻全美摇滚单曲榜第6名+另类单曲榜第3名

自『Enema Of The State』专辑以来长期合作的製作人Jerry Finn因脑内出血症状过世,鼓手Travis Barker在经历坠机之后罹患创伤后压力失调症,这两件发生在2008年的大事,让原本在2005年2月宣佈进入无限期停摆状态的加州庞克摇滚团blink-182思考重起炉灶的可能性。乐团在2009年的葛莱美奖颁奖典礼上宣佈尽弃前嫌,展开创作,只是,主唱/吉他手Tom DeLonge身兼Angels And Airwaves乐团职务,主唱/贝斯手Mark Hoppus奔波电视主持工作,Travis Barker也有个人专辑要忙,于是,三位成员同意以分隔各地的录音室进行乐团歌曲创作的模式,经过两年多的磨合,blink-182在2011年秋季推出乐团成员首度扛下製作大任的专辑【Neighborhoods】,这是一张象徵着乐团克服无数人生与音乐难关考验而浴火重生的大碟。

blink-182乐团在1999年以全美流行单曲榜第6名畅销曲"All The Small Things"跃入主流乐坛,至今创造超过2700万张的专辑销售,获颁美国MTV音乐奖、MTV欧洲音乐奖与全美青少年直选大奖。在blink-182乐团的重生大碟【Neighborhoods】中,三位团员像是比邻而居的音乐人,各自端出创作绝活,譬如DeLonge喜欢的大格局摇滚乐,Barker酷爱的嘻哈风鼓击节奏,Hoppus迷上的独立摇滚,最后再以乐团的庞克摇滚精神统帅整军主导大局。乐团在歌曲创作上触及了疏离、迷惑与死亡等议题,专辑中首支单曲"Up All Night"抢攻全美摇滚单曲榜第6名与另类单曲榜第3名;还有回忆起与过世的好友一起分享音乐的感人好歌"Ghost On The Dance Floor",以及记录乐团多年转变的"Kaleidoscope"。

Neighborhoods is the sixth studio album by the American rock band Blink-182, released September 27, 2011 through DGC Records and Interscope Records. Their first album of new material in eight years, its recording followed the band's 2009 reunion after a four-year hiatus. Due to conflicts within the trio, the band entered an "indefinite hiatus" in 2005 and the members explored various side-projects. After two separate tragedies regarding the band and their entourage, the members of the band decided to reunite in late 2008, with plans for a new album and tour. It is the first Blink-182 album produced by the band members without the help of an outside record producer.

The band's studio autonomy, tours, managers and personal projects stalled the recording process, which lasted from shortly after the band's February 2009 reunion to July 2011. The band developed Neighborhoods in separate studios and regrouped at various periods to record. The band's numerous delays in the recording process resulted in the band canceling a European tour and the label setting a deadline for the album to be due. The trio wrote lyrics regarding such subjects as isolation, confusion and death. The band infused inspiration from each member's various musical tastes to form a unique sound that recalled their separate upbringings, leading the trio to compare the album to separate neighborhoods.

Neighborhoods was released to mixed reviews from critics: some felt it was a natural evolution from the band's previous releases, while others found it stale and disjointed. The album debuted at number two on the Billboard 200 and "Up All Night" and "After Midnight" were released as singles, with both attracting modest success on Billboard's Alternative Songs chart. Despite this, Neighborhoods did not connect on the same scale as earlier releases and the band would depart from Interscope the following fall. The group would later look back on their comeback album with divided feelings; DeLonge would admit that the recording methods perhaps created less unity within the group.