• 艺人:Ennio Morricone   
  • 语种:其他
  • 唱片公司:Sony
  • 发行时间:2007-02-19
  • 类别:合集、杂锦

We All Love Ennio Morricone专辑介绍

《我们都爱Ennio Morricone》这张专辑听起来很棒,由数位当代著名歌手和音乐家重新演绎Ennio Morricone的经典曲目构成。但除了少数富有创意的重新演绎(比如马友友演奏的悲伤的Malena和Roger Waters的Lost Boys Calling),整张唱片显得没有重点而散乱。本唱片中也有Ennio Morricone本人重新录制的3首曲目,是比较有力而突出的。但总的来说,这张专辑是一个失败。

We All Love Ennio Morricone sounds like a great idea (contemporary performers putting their own spin on the maestro's long, storied and incredibly diverse repertoire) but despite a few noteworthy displays of creativity (Yo-Yo Ma's mournful "Malena" and Roger Waters' stirring "Lost Boys Calling"), the whole affair feels a little too unfocused. Even Morricone's newly recorded bits in-between each track feel forced and out of place, resulting in a fascinating failure, but a failure nonetheless.