• 艺人:Linkin Park   欧美乐队
  • 语种:英语
  • 唱片公司:Warner Bros.
  • 发行时间:2003-03-25
  • 类别:录音室专辑


."Somewhere I Belong"、"Faint"、"Numb"音乐录影带
.收录4首Billboard现代摇滚榜冠军曲:Somewhere I Belong、Faint、Numb、Lying From You

我的世界恍恍惚惚 片片段段 我不想任人宰割 我要破坏 才有重生

六个二十出头的年轻人,发片前尝尽被唱片公司拒于门外的挫败,却在出道短短三年间得到乐坛上所有的光荣,包括世界音乐奖、格莱美奖、Billboard音乐奖、MTV音乐大奖、以及滚石杂志所颁发的年度风云人物,他们的首张专辑「Hybrid Theory」被滚石杂志推崇为:「12首环环相扣的歌曲,巧妙融合了另类金属乐、嘻哈与唱盘的技术。」这张专辑也成为2001年全美专辑销售冠军,并在全球创下一千五百万张的销售纪录。

而第二张作品「天空之城美特拉」亦不负众望,推出首周便空降英美台排行冠军,登上十八个国家的冠军排行宝座。事实上,在「Meteora」(天空之城美特拉)专辑中,整个乐团的感觉听起来更实在了。这种成就的确罕有,六位成员完全融为一体,但是却不失每个人的特质,如此造就了独属于Linkin Park的风格。

除了音乐成就被全球各大音乐奖项认可,林肯公园的创作范围不停的向外扩张,包括专辑的包装与专属网站的设计都有他们的巧思在其中,而团员Joseph Hahn更展现导演实力,「天空之城美特拉」专辑所推出的五支单曲其中四支音乐录影带都是由他亲手执导,这样的结合让LP音乐创作的原始意念能够以影像的方式更完整的表现出来,当然,音乐录影带本身又是另一种层次的艺术成就,也让世人见识了林肯公园在音乐以外更多元的才华!

(by KKBOX)


Meteora is the second studio album by American rock band Linkin Park. It was released on March 25, 2003 through Warner Bros. Records, following Reanimation, a collaboration album which featured remixes of songs included on debut studio album Hybrid Theory. Linkin Park released singles from Meteora for over a year, including "Somewhere I Belong", "Faint", "Numb", "From the Inside" and "Breaking the Habit". The song "Lying from You" was released as a promotional single. Meteora takes its title from the Greek Orthodox monasteries.

Meteora is the most successful album in the history of the Alternative Songs chart, a chart that specializes in radio play of alternative songs. "Numb" was the biggest song of the year on the chart. As of 2013, the album has sold over 16 million copies worldwide, and is certified four times platinum by the RIAA. Meteora was also ranked number 36 on Billboards Hot 200 Albums of the Decade. The song "Session" was nominated for the 2004 Grammy Award for Best Rock Instrumental Performance, losing to Jeff Beck's "Plan B". Some songs from the album were remixed with some of Jay-Z's songs for the EP Collision Course. (wiki)


by Stephen Thomas Erlewine

Perhaps if the cut-'n'-paste remix record Reanimation hadn't appeared as a stopgap measure in the summer of 2002, Linkin Park's second record, Meteora, would merely have been seen as a continuation of their 2000 debut, Hybrid Theory, instead of a retreat to familiar ground. Then again, Reanimation wasn't much more than a way to buy time (along with maybe a little credibility), so it's unfair to say that its dabbling in electronica and hip-hop truly pointed toward a new direction for the group, but it did provide a more interesting listening experience than Meteora, which is nothing more and nothing less than a Hybrid Theory part two. Which isn't to say that Linkin Park didn't put any effort into the record, since it does demonstrate that the group does stand apart from the pack by having the foresight to smash all nu-metal trademarks -- buzzing guitars, lumbering rhythms, angsty screaming, buried scratching, rapped verses -- into one accessible sound which suggests hooks instead of offering them. More importantly, the group has discipline and editing skills, keeping this record at a tight 36 minutes and 41 seconds, a move that makes it considerably more listenable than its peers and, by extension, more powerful, since they know where to focus their energy, something that many nu-metal bands simply do not. (It must be said that there will surely be consumers out there that will question paying a $19.99 retail for a 36-minute-and-41-second record, though some may prefer getting a tight, listenable record at that price instead of a meandering 70-minute mess.) So, it must be said that Meteora does deliver on the most basic level -- it gives the fans what they want, and it does so with energy and without fuss. It's also without surprises, either, which again gives the album a static feeling -- suggesting not a holding pattern for the band, but rather the limits of their chosen genre, which remains so stylistically rigid and formulaic that even with a band who follows the blueprint well, like Linkin Park, it winds up sounding a little samey and insular. Since this is only their second go-round, this is hardly a fatal flaw, but the similarity of Meteora to Hybrid Theory does not only raise the question of where do they go from here, but whether there is a place for them to go at all.