In a world un-ac-quain-ted
Lack of know-ledge, of truth-_
Since then they've ap-peared e-_-very-where
while not ex-ist-ing at all
Oh, Liv-ing a-mong us
Teach-ing us through the sub-li-mi-nal-_
Ne-ver a-ny proof
Though e-very-one knows their po-si-tion-_-_ oh
They're the one and on-ly who con-trols-_ it all-_
For-e-ver ma-ni-pu-la-ted
Through all e-ter-ni-ty
Danc-ing on a line
Laugh-ing now, soon to bow
Be-ing li-_-ke pup-pets-_ on a string
Through all e-ter-ni-ty
Danc-ing on a line
Laugh-ing now, soon to bow
Be-ing li-_-ke pup-pets-_ on a string