艺人: 押尾桑  (乐谱: 1071  粉丝: 1115)
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翼~you are the HERO~

翼~you are the HERO~吉他谱(图片谱,指弹,轮扫,拍弦)_押尾桑(Kotaro Oshio;押尾光太郎)_押尾桑 You are the hero 1.gif 翼~you are the HERO~吉他谱(图片谱,指弹,轮扫,拍弦)_押尾桑(Kotaro Oshio;押尾光太郎)_押尾桑 You are the hero 2.gif 翼~you are the HERO~吉他谱(图片谱,指弹,轮扫,拍弦)_押尾桑(Kotaro Oshio;押尾光太郎)_押尾桑 You are the hero 3.gif 翼~you are the HERO~吉他谱(图片谱,指弹,轮扫,拍弦)_押尾桑(Kotaro Oshio;押尾光太郎)_押尾桑 You are the hero 4.gif 翼~you are the HERO~吉他谱(图片谱,指弹,轮扫,拍弦)_押尾桑(Kotaro Oshio;押尾光太郎)_押尾桑 You are the hero 5.gif 翼~you are the HERO~吉他谱(图片谱,指弹,轮扫,拍弦)_押尾桑(Kotaro Oshio;押尾光太郎)_押尾桑 You are the hero 6.gif
liangxuehui 发表于 2012-12-27 13:45:40 |查看: 38122|回复: 3


小浩先僧 发表于 2015-8-28 12:14:02
musicook 发表于 2016-12-28 11:12:45
啊啊啊喂菌 发表于 2019-2-21 20:25:23 点击下载 来自手机APP(点我下载)