Happy Days
吉他谱: 10 粉丝: 6
Black Metal
Lyrical theme(s)
Suicide, Negativity, Depression, Misanthropy
Origin Formed in Current label Status
United States of America (Sarasota, Florida) 2007 Self Mutilation Services Active
Current line-up
Morbid - Guitar, vocals, keyboards (Deep-Pression, Nostalgie, Subliminal Torture, Transitus Mortalis, Secretly In Pain, ..., Dreams)
Karmageddon - Drums (Managarm (US), Wedard, The Eternal Night, Dreams)
Former/past member(s)
Cid - Drums (Antagonic Omnipotent Catharsis, Ehcsztein, Inferion (US), Nigthagh, Sadrith Mora, Luxor (US))