Johnny Mandel
吉他谱: 8 粉丝: 1
Johnny Mandel的艺人档案

Johnny Mandel 是美国的作曲家,流行歌曲编曲,电影音乐和爵士乐。 他就读于曼哈顿音乐学院朱丽亚音乐学院。他在1943年与Joe Venuti小号演奏,于1944年与比利罗杰斯还有长号乐团(Boyd Raeburn, Jimmy Dorsey, Buddy Rich, Georgie Auld 和 Chubby Jackson)。他于1949年6月伴随着歌手的乐团June Christy 的Bob Cooper。后来,他居住在洛杉矶,他在那里演奏低音喇叭。 他创作爵士音乐,如“Not Really the Blues”给Woody Herman 在1949年, “Hershey Bar”(好时光酒吧 1950年)和“Pot Luck” ( 1953年)给Stan Getz, “Straight Life” ( 1953年)和“Low Life” ( 1956年)的计数贝西以及“ Tommyhawk ” ( 1954年)给Chet Baker。 Mandel最着名歌曲有: “Suicide Is Painless” (电影和电视M*A*S*H的主题曲) , “Close Enough for Love” , “Emily”和“A Time for Love” (提名奥斯卡奖) 。他撰写了许多电影配乐。爱情主题的电影“The Shadow of Your Smile” ,他与保罗弗朗西斯韦伯斯特共同编剧,赢得了1965年奥斯卡最佳歌曲和格莱美单曲奖在1966年。 他赢得了格莱美最佳器乐编曲伴奏声乐奖在1981年Quincy Jones的大碟《 Velas 》上 。 在80岁,他的重要贡献,然后七十九年岁的托尼本内特的格莱美奖授予2004年的艺术浪漫安排和指挥的乐团。合作双方已就本内特之前的经典电影歌曲专辑在1966年,而Mandel安排,并进行自己的电影歌曲和专辑的音乐总监。

                                                        by  Scott Yanow
Considered one of the top living composers during the 1990's, Johnny Mandel is one of the few writers around who is capable of writing standards that can be recorded and performed by a wide variety of jazz musicians and singer. Mandel starting writing arrangements when he was 13 but he made his living during the 1940's as a trombonist and trumpeter, generally playing in sections of big bands. He picked up experience playing trumpet with Joe Venuti (1943) and Billie Rogers, switching to trombone for stints with Boyd Raeburn, Jimmy Dorsey, Buddy Rich, Georgie Auld, Alvino Rey and most notably Woody Herman's Second Herd (1948) where his "Not Really The Blues" was one of several pieces that entered the book. He also worked with Chubby Jackson, Elliot Lawrence and Count Basie (1953), but by the early 1950's Mandel's writing skills were in greater demand than his trombone playing. He contributed arrangements for Artie Shaw's short-lived bop band (1949) and for Basie (1952-56). Settling in Los Angeles in 1953, Mandel (who played bass trumpet for a brief time with Zoot Sims before ending his active playing) since then has made a living writing for films including occasional scores that are jazz-oriented, most notably 1958's I Want To Live and 1965's The Sandpiper (which resulted in "The Shadow Of Your Smile"). In addition to his movie work, Mandel has written arrangements for a countless number of performers including Frank Sinatra and Shirley Horn. Other famous Mandel songs include "Emily" (from "The Americanization Of Emily"), "Close Enough For Love," "Hershey Bar" (recorded by Stan Getz), "Suicide Is Painless" (the "Theme from Mash") and "A Time For Love."

Johnny Mandel的吉他谱

Suicide Is Painless
小宇宙0503 707 0 2
GTP谱 民谣吉他
The Shadow of Your Smile
ffgfgd實 1915 0 1
GTP谱 指弹 钢琴
cghyaoyao 1503 0 2
GTP谱 电吉他
Suicide Is Painless
愤世俗流 2166 0 1
GTP谱 古典吉他
Suicide Is Painless
愤世俗流 1566 0 1
GTP谱 民谣吉他
Suicide Is Painless
愤世俗流 1836 0 1
GTP谱 民谣吉他
The Shadow Of Your Smile
愤世俗流 1734 0 2
GTP谱 古典吉他
The Shadow of Your Smile
炉心融解 3240 3 1
GTP谱 指弹 民谣吉他