



制谱人:The Mandalic

My tabs are not meant to be carbon copies of the 
songs they're based on :  I do add stuff and change 
things sometimes. It's just my version of the songs in 
a way : )... Oh, yeah : I AM NO DRUMMER!!! So 
consider the drumming as a bonus (good or bad)... or 
tab it yourself : ).

Mes tablatures ne sont pas de copies conformes de 
chansos sur lequelles elles sont bas閑s : Parfois je 
change ou je rajoute des trucs. Ce sont mes versions 
en quelques sorte : )... Ah, oui : JE NE SUIS PAS 
BATTEUR!!! Considerez la batterie plus comme un 
bonus (bon ou mauvais)... Sinon, faitez le vous m阭e 
: ).

节拍:♩ = 85

  1. Guitar - 驱动音效吉他 Overdriven Guitar
  2. Bass - 指拨电贝司 Electric Bass(finger)
  3. Drums - 敲击乐器
注释:Chorus onoffFlanger on (maybe a slight delay too)...
歌曲: You Lied (Live)
Setting sun can't shine, now you're gone 
Inside sleeping, my heart beating
You know that you tried to hide it
Couldn't you have said what you meant? Oh..

Time heals, time congeals around us
Endless hours of wasted moments
Understanding, not demanding
Your eyes tell what you feel inside

Setting sun can't shine, now you're gone
Inside sleeping, my heart beating
You know that you tried to hide it
Shouldn't you have said what you meant?



[it's / having / in] some kind of psychedelic experience

Our body is light, we are immortal
Our body is love, we are eternal

Omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, without judgment