
标题:Vegan Velociraptor


艺人:Nanowar Of Steel

专辑:Stairway To Valhalla

  1. Clean embellishment - 钢弦吉他 Acoustic Guitar(steel)
  2. Lead Dist - 驱动音效吉他 Overdriven Guitar
  3. Rhythm Dist - 失真音效吉他 Distortion Guitar
  4. Electric Bass - 指拨电贝司 Electric Bass(finger)
  5. Drumkit - 敲击乐器
  6. Harm - 失真音效吉他 Distortion Guitar
  7. Clean Rhythm - 清音电吉他 Electric Guitar (clean)
  8. Tenor Choir - 合唱“啊”音 Choir Aahs
  9. Xylophone! - 木琴 Xylophone
  10. Cow! - 大管 Bassoon
  11. Turbo-Flying Kicks! - 拍手声 Hand Clap
  12. Tenor Choir - 合唱“啊”音 Choir Aahs
  13. Tenor Choir - 合唱“啊”音 Choir Aahs

ABCDEFGVforveganvelociraptorahahahah!HedriveshisecofriendlyTeslaMotorPoliceTankNon-DisposableHeroinacloakmadeofhemplethalcerealkillercompletelysugarfreedrowningenemiesinpotsofherbalteaIt'sknownthatalentilbaseddietisthecauseofastrongflatulenceHisstrongflatulencepolluteswithCO2So bears abandon the arctic tooanddeserveit'costheyeatfishanywayaaaahaaaahaaaahaaaahVegan velociraptor!broccolini hunter, saviour of the environmentfighting speciesismreversing the food chain!YAHSheriffthelivestockagainstanimalabusereplacing choco milkshakeswithlime and carrot juiceButhe's got to be carefulwhenpatrolling the townas thecarnivorouscow'slurkingaroundInleague with the bacon street boystheyfeedcattle with meat and steroooidsblendedwith opiumand bambooBovines become addicted tooturning into narcoprostituuuutesyou zucchini butcher,mothernature's playful friendreversing the foodchainOnbad daytookplaceaverybadthingas this very bad cow and her very bad crewvery impolitely rapeda young groundhognamedGeorge W.SanchezThe came GargamellorthemoderateT-Rexcomplaining aboutthegangsinappropriate waysbuttheevilbovine went berserkanddevoured himaliveMildGargamellorpoliteTax-payerGargamellorCow-foodGargamellorGeorge W. Sanchezpoor bullying victimGeorge W. SanchezGeorge W. SaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanchezDamn you, ill-bred evildoersIherebydeclare you under arrest!You killed my friend Gargamellorandimpolitelyraped Herr W. Sanchez!you gottherighttoremainsilentyougottheanattorneyeverything you say can and willbe used againstI'llyou in a court of the law!extinct you, filthy dromaeosauridyour days are numbered,you are about to die!youentered the wrong jurisdictionthelaw enforced here is the bill of rights!that grants to rape a groundhogor grantsimpolitelythe right to eat a T-RexBUT GRANTSTHE RIGHT TO DO BOTH OF THE ABOVEIF ONE I CALLED GEORGE W. SANCHEZ!That said the cow launched her assoulthitting his throat with a turbo flying kick!VV was counterattackingfiringwithbullets made out of soy beansuntilthecowtook a secret potionto prevailover thedinosaurmixture of prions and elephant scurfthat madeherinvincibleeeeeee*contracting mad cow desease, and hence being slaughtered by the FDA authorities"Stilldrives an eco friendlytesla motorspolice-tankthe vice mayor promoted himto aprestigious rankliutenent of seitanbrigadier of seedsfeldmarshallof the cruelty free recipes!hismacrobioticmealsenrichedwithproteinicpillsdrowned in a sea of rice and soyfill everyone with peace and joy!but not Sanchez, still bleeding from hisass!OOOHSlaughterer of eggplants, jurassic animalistreversing the food chainBroccolini huntersaviourandreveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerseHERECOMESTHEMETEORITE!

标记:IntroVersePre-ChorusChorusVersePre-ChorusChorusSpecialFightApexpunchline and releaseVersePre-ChorusChorusOutro
歌曲: Vegan Velociraptor