
标题:Azathoths Call


艺人:Folk Metal Jacket

节拍:♩ = 135

  1. Scream voice - 短笛 Piccolo
  2. Mala Voice - 弦乐合奏1 String Ensemble 1
  3. Marci Voice - 合唱“啊”音 Choir Aahs
  4. Sarti Voice - 指拨电贝司 Electric Bass(finger)
  5. Barbi - 班卓 Banjo
  6. wax - 失真音效吉他 Distortion Guitar
  7. marci - 失真音效吉他 Distortion Guitar
  8. Sarti - 短笛 Piccolo
  9. Sarti - 弦乐合奏1 String Ensemble 1
  10. Sarti - 合唱“啊”音 Choir Aahs
  11. Gio - 指拨电贝司 Electric Bass(finger)
  12. Drumkit - 敲击乐器
注释:ensiferum talking
标记:Headbang ottavistopChiamare Mani ottaviAprire wall of deathwall of deathHeadbanging ottaviStopChiamare mani ottaviFade out

woh By the time you'll fall, gro-wing old with your re-morse, lost in the end-less uni-verse a-gain I put my blind-fold on, for the god I will per-form there will be no war, no more Be-ware the Aza-thoth call, sei-sm, storm and squall for his rest I will teach you what it really means to die poi-son the stars aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa poi-son the stars
