
标题:Canon Rock Multi-Style Medley

艺人:Ketil Strand

制谱人:Ketil Strand

This is an exact replica of the original PDF file tab 
provided by Ketil Strand on his website. I, AdamDK 
have provided this in Guitar Pro format so that people 
can play along with the file, and mute instruments, etc, 
instead of having to read a PDF and keep repeating 
sections of the song.

节拍:♩ = 150


  1. Classical - 尼龙弦吉他 Acoustic Guitar (nylon)
  2. Rock - 驱动音效吉他 Overdriven Guitar
  3. Harmonizing Pedal (Boss PS-5) - 失真音效吉他 Distortion Guitar
  4. Jazz/Country Sections - 爵士乐电吉他 Electric Guitar (jazz)
  5. Banjo - 班卓 Banjo
注释:Right-Hand index finger taps G string, right-handring finger taps B string, left hand finger taps DstringPlayed with delay effect (Single repeat) set tomatch the rhythm exactly in eighth notes
标记:ClassicalFirst Rock PartHarmonizer OffImprovisationJazzImprovisationCountryFender Telecaster improvisingFinal Rock Section